Chapter 10 - The Explosion

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I wake up with a growling stomach and a dry throat. I must've been asleep for a while, because the sun is high in the sky, roughly late morning. My head hurts a little, but not nearly as much as it did last night. I pack everything back into my backpack, and start my hunt for food and water. Checking the coast is clear, I set off. 

As I walk I start to think about what my 'tactic' is for winning. Johanna Mason told me to figure one out pretty soon, or I'm as good as dead. Victors have used lots of different tactics over the years. Those two from District 6 just hid until everyone else was dead, and I would do that too, but there's zero chance of that working out for me. The Gamemakers are probably on instructions to make my life a living hell in this arena. Plenty of Victors tactics were just kill, kill, kill, but I don't see myself in any way as a vicious killing machine. If it came down to it and my life was being threatened, I would be able to kill someone, but judging by the mental state of some Victors, the aftermath looks in no way fun. So I decide on the simplest tactic of all: Stay Alive. And in order to do that I'm going to need some nourishment. 

Suddenly I hear voices and duck behind a ragged wall fast. It's a good job I did, too, because a trio of tributes are approaching from some buildings, only a few yards away from me. They are all loads bigger than me, so if I was to be seen, they would kill me so easily it would be like swatting a fly. I hold my breath and make no noise as they saunter by, dangerously wielding swords and spears and knives that they clearly have no idea how to use properly. Bu then again, none of us tributes had had any experience with weapons before we were reaped. There was never any need. They are chatting as they strut past.

"Hey I know. Let's hunt down that weepy one. Avory, was she called?" one says. They are obviously talking about Avita; nobody else's name in this arena sounds close to it. 

"Oh yeah, I know who you mean. One of those snobby Snows, right?" laughs another. 

"Yeah, those Snows are going down!" the other one pipes up, and they all laugh.

Great. Another three to add to the long list of people who despise me. They continue walking, and I don't move a muscle until they are almost out of sight and I am out of earshot. Slowly i get up, and tread carefully through the rubble. I decide to follow these tributes, as they might know where a source of water is. I move quickly, avoiding rocks and crunchy bits of rubble or leaves. 

Wait a moment, leaves?

If there's leaves, then there must be trees nearby. I look around and can see the tips of some trees peeping out behind an old, abandoned warehouse. I would run there as fast as I can, but the tributes I'm following have decided to go that way too. There must be a water source there, or why else would they be going? 

I stay about ten metres behind them at all times, ducking behind walls or broken statues at the tiniest notion that they might turn around. They don't, though, and suddenly they disappear through a hole. Stepping lightly, I make a daring move. I run over and hide behind the large wall that forms the side of the warehouse. I can hear them talking, but the only words I pick up are "Avory" and "tonight" so I presume they are hunting Avita tonight. For some reason they lower their voices, and, deciding that there's more important things to do than eavesdrop on their conversation, I set off for the woods. 

It's a struggle trying not to step on twigs and such, but my mind becomes completely occupied with one though and one thought alone: supplies. I haven't had anything to eat or drink since last night, and my body is becoming considerably weaker. 

But just as I'm about to sit down by a tree, an almighty explosion blasts through the trees, sending rubble and body parts flying everywhere. I am knocked backwards into another tree and I have just enough time to take in the pile of debris and ashes where the warehouse stood moments ago before I lose conciousness.

(A/N: Sorry again for the short chapter, but I wanted a good ol' cliffhanger. If you would like the chapters to be longer, please pm me or comment and I'll do what I can. Thank you so much for all the votes, I'm really loving how much you guys love it. hugs from me!)

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