Chapter 33 - Me?

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All I can hear is my pulse beating beating in sync in every part of my body. I want to open my eyelids, but even they won't obey me now...all of a sudden the high frequency ringing in my ears fades and I'm able to hear what's going on around me, even if I'm not able to do anything else. Jack and Violet are talking, and in the background I can hear only the faint song of the mockingjays nesting far up in the forest trees. I spotted the nests when I was exploring the arena, and I was not at all surprised when I saw the familiar wing of a mockingjay fly by. 

What other birds would the Gamemakers have used though? Possibly jabberjays, just to rub it in our faces how stupid the Capitol was when those things were invented. Obviously I wasn't around or even born during the Dark Days, but in science class we once did an experiment using mini, less dangerous mutts, and Professor Gaul droned on and on about how amazing his Grandmother has been for playing a role in distributing them around the Districts during the war, even though we all know that they ultimately backfired and were just another failed experiment. I do quite wish I had a jabberjay with me now, so I could replay the conversation and decipher it in more detail than my brain is currently able to now. I tune back in to what Violet it saying. It sounds like a petty argument between siblings, but I wouldn't know, since I'm an only child and my only relative under eighteen was Celestia...I turn my thoughts away from my dead cousin before I start crying and blow my cover.

Now, I've had an awful lot of practice in the professional art of fake sleeping, and so I put some into practice now: very slow, quiet breaths in and out, doing a big sigh every now and then just for added effect.

"Ugh, you're so annoying, Jack! You never tell anyone how you feel! Not even me, and I'm the only family you've got left!" Violet complains. I wonder what they're on about. She continues. "It's always, 'Oh, I'm Jack Egnatia and I've got to act heartless and tough or the lads will ditch me,'," she say, doing such a great impression of the oaf that I have to stop myself 'waking up' and applauding her. 

"Shut up, Vi! You don't know anything about me! There's things I don't share with the world, you know, secrets I keep!" Jack shouts back. 

"And what would those secrets be?" her voice replies. I can practically hear the smirk on her face. I hear a deep sigh and I don't blame Jack for being annoyed at himself for blurting that out. If there's one thing Violet Egnatia is good at besides talking, it's getting something out of you. Specifically secrets. I know this because Celestia came to me a few times on occasion panicking about if the 'gobby new girl will tell everyone my crush.' In the end Celestia's secret crush didn't get leaked but after she told me how persuasive Violet was I have come to the conclusion that she is awfully - maybe too - good at what she does. 

She begins with the classic, "I swear I won't tell a soul!"

"Haha, yeah right. Pigs will fly before you can keep a secret," Jack says, and he's not wrong.

"Hey, that's unfair! And who's there to tell? We're in the 77th Hunger Games, Jack, and we both know I'll be dead before noon tomorrow. The note from Lyme confirmed it. Please tell me, I can't tell anyone anyways, and even if I wanted to I couldn't because I've got a bloody ankle missing!" Violet says in a very persuading tone. Jack still doesn't seem sure, but he gives in. 

"Fine, I'll tell you. You sure she's asleep?" He's obviously referring to me. 

"Yep, whatever was in that syringe worked it's magic. She should be up and about soon enough but for now she's out like a light," Violet explains. I let out another deep sigh to convince them further that I'm 'asleep.'

"Ok, well, here it is," Jack says, and takes in a deep breath. "I like her."

"You like who?"

"Avita, you idiot, who else would I be on about?"

"Alright, keep your hair on, I only asked," says Vi. "Wait, like her?" She sounds like she thinks Jack is lying, and I'm almost certain he is too.

"Yes, okay? I like Avita Snow and she's been my crush for a freaking year! You got that?" Jack says angrily, and it takes me a moment to process what he's just said. 

Jack Egnatia Of all people? Is he being serious or just messing? I do hope it's just messing, because after all he did to me it would be impossible to like him back. Not gonna lie though, it's kind of cool to know that the most good-looking boy in the year likes me. But why me? He could have his pick of any girl in the Academy. Questions whirl around inside my head, trying to make sense of why he might like me. 

Something in my brain threatens to pull me under into unconsciousness again, and since my head is throbbing, I decide to give in to it and I'll process what he's said fully when I wake. 

A/N: Sooo...bit of a plot twist there! What do you think? The next update won't be for a week or so because it's the Christmas Holidays and there's loads of treats to eat before they go off and films to watch! 

Also, we reached 1k on this book!!! Eeeeeeeeek!! Thank you so much! Here's a virtual hug from me! :D

Also, we reached 1k on this book!!! Eeeeeeeeek!! Thank you so much! Here's a virtual hug from me! :D

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