Chapter 31 - Grenade

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We reach our arms out just in time to catch a wailing Violet. She yells in agony as we haul her up the side of the building, and when I get a closer look at her ankle it almost sets off my gag reflex. It certainly sets off theirs. With Violet still yelling in pain and me and Jack both wincing, we start to run. Blood is left in a trail on the floor as it oozes and drips from the missing ankle that has probably been devoured by the mutt by now.

Luckily for us, all the buildings this close to the Cornucopia circle are fairly close together, and majority of them have sturdy roofs, which also proves useful. I slow down slightly so that Jack and Violet can go ahead, where they pause on a rooftop of a small 'house' to attempt to tie a makeshift tourniquet around Violet's now extremely bloody ankle. I whip back around quickly to face the menacing mutt stood roughly two metres away, in a stance that suggests it's ready for a fight.

Well so am I. And I'm not hanging about this time; if all goes accordingly, this relentless mutt will be the dead one at the end.

Without a hint of hesitation, I make the first move: punching the monster in the collarbone and somehow managing to catch it off guard. It steps back momentarily, then retaliates with a devastatingly forceful punch aimed at my own collarbone. If I didn't swiftly duck under so I'm behind it then it could have broken my shoulder, or dislocated something at the very least. It kicks it's leg backwards unexpectedly, and I am sent flying backwards, landing with a thud on my back. As quickly as I can, I get back up and I try and think of what my next move shall be. I'm tempted to go and get one of my weapons like the spiked mace or a spear, but that takes time I'm not willing to take or a throw from Jack that I'm not willing to risk. I'm going to have to win this thing by brute force. No weapons, just me and my fists. And the mutt, of course. 

The beast turns around and faces me, trying to convince me that it's not going to strike next, but I've learnt better than to trust my first instincts about a mutt of all things. So when it strikes with it's claw I'm ready. I duck under and super quickly skid down on my now even-more grazed knees and go through it's legs. Then I grab it's ankles and tug them backward as hard as I cam, and so the mutt lands with a loud and deep thud on the roof. It is beginning to tire now, I can tell. I have to now quickly and hurriedly decide whether to let the mutt get up and go for another fist fight, or to find and grab the closest weapon available and use that to kill it. Obviously, I go with the latter option and look around for the something that could be of use. 

"Avita, catch!" I hear someone yell, and a small, dull green object is thrown to me with a high frequency little red beeper attached to it. I realise almost too late what it is I am holding. 

A grenade. Where did they get this? I'll have to find out. If I survive. 

As the beeping speeds up I drop the grenade beside the mutt and jump across a wide gap to another roof. Whilst I'm in mid-air , there is a huge explosion from behind me and I'm blasted onto yet another gravelly rooftop. Black spots swim around my vision and there is a ringing in my ears that won't go away, it's like I'm listening to everything from another room; like there's an invisible barrier that muffles any and all sound that tries to reach my ears. 

A/N: Sorry it's so short, they might be more this length from now on with the occasional really long one :)

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