Chapter 18 - Spiderweb

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A/N: Please don't hate me :(

"Night," I say, and Avita murmurs a response. I move my sleeping bag over to the hole in the wall, so that I can see anyone coming, but anyone coming can't see me. I doubt anyone would want to venture outside in this weather: rain coming down in sheets, thunder roaring in the dark clouds, and blasts of lightning hitting anything metal. Every strike of lightning makes me cower  into the corner even more. Luckily Avita's snoring drowns out some of the racket of rain pounding hard on the roof of this basement. After another hour or so the lightning stops, the thunder dies down, and the rain calms a little. As if in sync, Avita's snoring dies down too. For once in this Arena, I feel calm. 

Out of the small hole I can see a big spider making its web. Normally I would scream and probably cry, but it's fascinating to see the web take shape, each and every intricate string of it. I can see it's coated in a thin layer of what looks like water. It probably is some kind of other substance, but it can't be that harmful; after all, it's only a spider. The web is finished now, and the spider disappears into a little burrow in the ground. I reach my hand through the hole in the wall and suddenly Avita wakes up.

"Celestia, no! Don't touch that!" she cries, coming over and yanking my arm out of the hole. But it's too late. I've touched the web, and there is an intense pain surging through my whole body. I know it's not long until this poison seeks out my brain, and with a limp body I collapse into Avita's arms.

"You - have - to - win," I stammer, and she nods while tears fall down her cheeks. My vision is deteriorating and everything hurts.

"Promise?" I say so croakily that it's  barely audible. Not that I'm one to judge, my hearing is going berserk too. No medicine Johanna could send in could save me now. 

Just before my hearing goes completely I hear Avita say, "I promise. It uses literally everything I've got left to force a smile onto my face.

Then all signals from my brain cut out.

My heart stops beating.

And I am lifeless.


"I promise," I say, holding back the flood of tears that threatens to spill over my eyelids. Celestia's face changes slightly and I think she's trying to smile. Her pupils are contracting and dilating rapidly and her whole body is visibly shaking. 

But then it goes still and a cannon sounds.

"Celestia! No!" I cry, shaking her, hoping against hope that she will wake up, show some small sign of life.

But she doesn't.

My cousin is dead.

(A/N: I'm sorry. Please don't hate me.)

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