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           Silena Bearguard glared at the sight in front of her. She had found Luke and Percy's camp.

But there were a lot of other people there to.

Silena looked back at Annabeth Chase. "We found it Annie." She said.

Annabeth nodded nervously. "Should we go in peacefully or storm in with weapons? She asked.

Nico Di Angelo drew his sword with a scoff. "For all we know they know were here and are just waiting to attack us." He said.

Bianca, still startled by how different Nico was, warily nodded and took out her no longer magical bow.

Nico smirked. "On my mark we raise some Hades." He said.

Even took out their weapons and nodded.

Nico braised himself to run in. "1... 2... 3 go!" He yelled.

On cue the group ran into the campsite.

The first face they saw was Percy's. But he didn't see it was them."BREACH!" He screamed.

A bunch of people in pajamas lined up with weapons.

It was Amity who noticed a blonde who stood out. "Annabeth?" She yelled out.

Annabeth's eyes widened when she saw her sister. "Amity!" She yelped back.

Percy squinted. "Wise girl! I new you'd get here in time!"

Nico raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean in time? And where's Luke? I'd think the crazy bastard would be here." He said.

Bianca hit him in the shoulder. "No cursing until your 14." She said.

Nico chuckled. "I'm 15." He said.

Bianca nodded. "Oh right. I forgot."

Percy gasped. "Bianca!? How are you hear?" He said. Reyna looked around the group. "Let's talk at Me and Percy's tent. Luke's there." She said.

Annabeth rolled her eyes at the mention of Luke being in Percy's tent. "Won't a tent be to small?" She asked.

Percy and Reyna shared a chuckle. "Alabastor's a son of Hecate." Reyna finally said.

And with that everyone walked to Percy and Reyna's tent.


           Luke looked up at everyone as they entered the tent. "Hey guys." He said.

Reyna did mock jazz hands. "Here's Percy and I's apartment." She said.

Thalia sat on the couch. "You and Percy share the tent? You guys together or something?" She asked.

Percy shook his head. Reyna laughed. "No I actually am newly lesbian." She said.

Thalia nodded like this was very useful information. "How newly?" She asked.

Reyna smirked. "Three weeks ago. I know that sounds to soon but I had been bisexual for a long time until I realized I wasn't into men. Just one man and I moved on from him." She explained.

Thalia nodded. "Me too. For what it's worth."

Reyna nodded.

Annabeth cleared her throat. "Your sexual tension aside. We are taking Percy and that's that." She said.

Luke put his arm around Percy. "You can't take him."

Percy shrugged Luke's arm off of him. "I told you not to do that Luke." He said.

Nico rolled his eyes. "We need him for the war." He said.

Luke rolled his eyes. "I bet that's not the only reason you want him to go back to camp." He muttered.

Nico stood up. "You got something to say? Don't be a fucking coward! If your gonna talk say it to my face!"

Luke stood up. "You probably only want him away from me so you can have him for your self!"

"For your fucking information I have a boyfriend. And I didn't have to kidnap him to get him to like me!" Nico shouted.

Luke roared in rage and punched Nico Di Angelo.

Percy stood up and grabbed Luke's arm. "Why would you do that!"

Nico stood up surrounded by shadows.

Bianca stood up and grabbed the boy in shadows. "Nico! Calm down!" She said.

Nico shadow travelled away from her and in front of Luke.

Nico kicked Luke in the balls. Luke groaned and fell to his knees. Nico punched the blonde in his scarred eye.

Bianca grabbed his arm. "Nico! Calm down!"

Nico continued punching Luke. Percy tugged at Nico. "You're gonna hurt him!"

Silenagot a drachma out of her pocket. "Thalia call Will! Nico will listen to him!" She said tossing Thalia the coin.

Thalia created mist with the water next to her and threw the drachma into it.

"O goddes accept my offering. Will Solace at camp Half-Blood." She said.

The mist shimmered to show a very stressed Will Solace.

"Will! Nico is beating the crap out of Luke and no can calm him down!" She said.

Will nodded. "NICO! IT'S YOUR BOYFRIEND WILL!" He yelled.

Nico slightly turned still punching Luke. "Will? What are you doing here?"

Will shook his head. "Nico stop punching him." He said.

Nico looked hesitant. "But he insulted me."

Will nodded. "I understand Sunshine. But you can't hurt him. For me. Please let him go." He said.

To everyone's surprise Nico slowly and reluctantly stop punching Luke and walked away.

"Fine Solace." He said.

Will smiled. "I love you Di Angelo." He said.

Nico nodded. "You too." He said.

Will smiled and slashed the message.

Bianca and Percy sat down in relieved sighs. A very bruised up Luke sat down next to Percy.

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