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            Nico had been feeling good that day. Despite the potential war on the horizon, that day seemed to be a good day.

In that moment nothing could get him down. Nothing except Percy Jackson running towards him.

Percy stopped in front of Nico and gasped for breath.

"Will sent me! Oh my gods I'm out of breath! Bianca and Hazel and others!"

Nico couldn't understand a thing Percy had just said. "What?"

Percy sighed and grabbed Nico's arm. He dragged the Italian, kicking to the big house.

Nico struggled even more. "I'm not getting locked in another room."

Percy rolled his eyes and pulled Nico into the room where everyone was waiting for him.

"Who are you people! Give me back my knife!"

Nico was a little shocked to hear the voice of a girl no older than thirteen.

There was a girl with her hands tied yelling and screaming threats at anyone she could see.

A surprising amount of weapons Nico had never seen before were sprawled out on the table.

Reyna looked grimly at the girl. "Sorry about this. It's just for safety reasons. As soon as you calm down you can be untied."

"Safety my ass! Let me go!"

Nico walked in the room with confusion plastered on his face. "Who is she? Why is she here?"

Zoe Nightshade stopped talking and turned to him. "This is um.... What is your name?"

"Why should I tell my captors my name!"

Hazel frowned. "Can you tell us your name please?"

"Harmany Samson."

Nico sat down on a chair. "And what is she doing here? Tied up no less."

Will scribbled furiously on a piece of paper. "She's not full tied up just her hands."


Will smirked. "She keeps trying to kill us. We had to take all three of her knifes, She had some magic necklace that turned into a gun, A bow and arrow, and she had a taser."

Nico gaped. "Is she a demigod?"

Will nodded.

"Her godly parent?"

Reyna looked at Bianca, who cleared her throat. "Hades. She's our sister."

Harmany struggled against her binds. "That is not true! I only have one sister and she's dead!"

Nico ignoree her. "Why was she only claimed now? She's thirteen Hades missed the deadline."

"I'm fourteen!"

Zoe nodded. "Exactly. Lady Artemis is at a meeting with the gods on this exact subject. She should be here soon."

Harmany paused in her struggling. "Artemis? You mean the goddess of the moon? That isn't real. It's just a myth."

Nico rounded on the group. "You didn't tell her!"

"The second we found her she started attacking us! It's a little hard to inform her while she's trying to kill us!" Hazel exclaimed.

"Inform me of what, then?"

"The gods are real. All the myths are. You're a Hades kid. Nico, Hazel, and Bianca are your siblings. We can swing by your cabin if you promise not to attack us."

"I promise. Just let me out."

"Swear on the river Styx."

"What's a river Styx?"

"An unbreakable vow."

"I swear on the river Styx not to attack you TODAY."

Will nodded and untied her.

Harmany stood and glared at all the demigods at the table. "Just as a warning, if any of you breath too sus I will hurt you. Touch me, I will hurt you."

With no other words Harmany walked out of the door followed by Nico and Bianca as well as Hazel.

Harmany walked behind them in a very slow and calculating manner as though she were studying her other siblings.

Nico couldn't help but be impressed by her.

Harmany glared at anyone who glanced at her in a manner so cold even Nico shivered.

When they got to the cabin Harmany scoffed.

Ignoring her, Bianca pushed open the door and ushered to an unused bunk. "You can put your stuff on that bed if you want."

Harmany threw her duffle bag on the aforementioned bed.

Hazel smiled. "Chiron is busy so we have to show you around but any questions?"

"I don't belong here. I'm not a demigod. Greek gods aren't real and I'm not a Hades kid. I'm not special and you aren't my siblings. This is a mistake. You are looking for someone else."

Bianca sighed. "Harmany, I can assure you that yoo belong here. I know it seems so hard to believe but you are a demigod as well as a daughter of Hades."

Harmany shook her head. "No. This isnt real. I'm still on the run and now my brain has come up with some fantasie."

"Why were you on the run?"

Hazel nudged Bianca. "Maybe don't ask her that."

Nico turned to Bianca. "What do we do? We can't leave her like this. Do we take her to Chiron?"

"No he's busy."

"Who at camp would understand being in denial?"

Bianca crinkled her nose in concentration. "The only person I can think of is you."

Nico frowned. "Me. You think I can help her."

Hazel nodded. "Yeah. You talk to her."

Nico sighed and walked up to Harmany. "Hey."

Harmany jumped, reaching for a weapon that wasn't there. "Don't. Do. That."

Nico nodded. "You belong here. You really do. I know your shaking your head thinking I'm just a crazy bitch but I know."

"I don't know why you were on the run and I'm not going to make you tell me but you don't have to be now. You are safe at camp Half-blood."

"I know you are special. I'm really sorry about your sister. We don't ask you to immediately think of us as family. If you want to be friends then cool. If you don't then okay."

"I'm not asking you to be okay because I wasn't. Let's just go eat dinner. Ok?"

Harmany nodded. "Ok."

Nico grabbed her hand and took her to the great hall.

Many people turned curiously at her. Lots whispered. Some didn't care.

Harmany spent the rest of the day slowly loosening up with Nico.

She was still very confused but if Nico was her brother she should be just fine.

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