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            Grover was anxious the entire week. He didn't go anywhere Nico while he was training or had his wand unsheathed.

He didn't take his eyes off his food for more than a second.

Percy found it utterly hilarious. Nico still had done absolutely nothing other than creepily my eye contact with Geover to remind him he had not forgotten.

To Percy's dissatisfaction Nico had only grown colder towards him with his many attempts to be friends.

When Percy had asked Nico to train with him Nico had attacked so aggressively Bianca and Hazel had to step in.

He had tried a sleepover of sorts but Nico had not said a single word to him and took to glaring at him so viciously Percy had decided it best not to stay the night.

He had even asked Bianca and Hazel to talk to him but that just seemed to lodge them into a huge argument that lasted longer two days.

His last attempt had been to go canoeing. He had been excited when Nico agreed to go. The day had instead ended with Nico pushing him in the river and leaving.

It seemed hopeless to even try but something in his mind told him not to give up.

He was walking down to the river to think when he heard two voices.

He stopped in his tracks when he realized the voices were Nico and Will. He almost fell when he heard Will bring up his name.

"I just don't get your grudge against Percy. I mean, the war is over."

Nico let out a frustrating sigh. "I have my reasons."

"But what are they?" Will asked.

"Do we have to talk about him?"

Percy frowned a bit. He wanted to hear why Nico was so cold towards him.

Nico frowned. "It might not make much sense."

Percy rolled his eyes. He wished Nico would just say it.

Will held him encougingly. Nico leaned into the touch. "Well when everything went wrong in my life it centered him."

Percy sat down and rolled his eyes. He couldn't take another 'you killed my sister'.

"I guess it's stupid but now everytime I think of all the hurt or whatever, I can only see his face."

Will looked at him. "So you keep him far away because to you he's the embodiment of your pain."

Nico wiped some tears out of his eyes and nodded, standing up. "I'm gonna go to bed. See you in the morning?"

Will looked like he wanted to stop him but decided against it.

Percy had been so shocked by this revelation that he didn't notice Nico get up. He didn't notice Nico walk right where he was and glare straight at him.

But he did notice the hard slap he received.

"How dare you!"

Will jumped up and glared at Percy. "What the hell!"

Percy backed away slowly. "I didn't mean to overhear! I was just going to the ocean!"

Nico sighed and walked off. Percy just barely missed the fact that tears were in his eyes.

Will looked off at Nico. "I'll talk to him."

Will walked off after Nico, leaving a confused Percy behind.

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