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           Will had spent most of his time crying on Lou Ellen's shoulder. He also spent a lot of time with Annabeth.

They had bonded over the fact that the people they loved were in love with other people.

Annabeth spent the rest of her time comforting Amity Anderson, who was so heartbroken by Leo Valdez loving someone else that she couldn't see Annabeth loved her.

Amity looked up at Annabeth. "Thank you Annie. I hope you know I really appreciate you."

Annabeth's breath caught in her throat. "Of course."

Amity smiled. "You're a great friend. I don't know what I would do without you."

Annabeth fought back tears in that very moment. Friends. Annabeth hated when Amity used that word.

"So you think you could ever move on?

Amity shrugged. "I guess I'll have to eventually. It just hurts knowing I'm just a friend to him. Have you  experienced that?"

Annabeth brought back the urge to laugh. Yes you. Annabeth could not believe where she was now. A few months ago she didn't even realize she liked girls and now she was head over heels in love with one.

Amity wiped her tears. "Alright I have to go train. You want to come?"

Annabeth nodded.

Amity had always taken off her shirt when she trained so Annabeth got to see her bra.

It was juvenile for Annabeth to be so excited but she was. Even the picture of Amity all sweaty with her bra on was enough to make her squirm.

As she always did, Amity took off her shirt. Annabeth had to tear her eyes away.

Amity struck her with a swift hit from her sword.

Annabeth trust her sword into hers Immediately sending the girl tumbling.

After a few hours of training both girls were tired and drenched in sweat.

They decided to head to the showers. On the way there Amity ran into Leo and Calypso having a very intimate moment.

Leo was handing the nymph flowers and tucking her hair behind his ear.

Amity immediately ran away in tears.

Leo and Calypso were to wrapped up in being a couple to notice the crying girl but Annabeth did and almost immediately ran after her.

Annabeth comforted the girl with cuddles and pats to the head.

Amity looked up at her. "Annie can I tell you something?"

Annabeth nodded. Amity sighed. "I think I'm starting to fall for someone else bit I'm still in love with Leo. Does that make any sense?"

Annabeth nodded. She had to stop herself from thinking it was her. It couldn't be.

Amity sighed. "And it's like I like this new person but I still like Leo."

Annabeth nodded. "Who is he?"

Amity blushed. "She." She said. Annabeth couldn't breathe. "Who is she?"

Amity sighed. "I can't tell you until I'm sure."

Annabeth nodded. And she really wished with all her heart it was her Amity liked.

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