Bradley Hargreaves

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Bradley Hargreaves- Anglo-American (Manx ancestry); Bradley Hargreaves is a short-tempered, impatient, bitter and sassy Anglo-American boy who works as an usher at Cinema Galaxy, the local movie theater alongside Hannah Quigley throughout his later high school years. Although he and Hannah were initially cordial with one another as she attempted to extend an olive branch and befriend him, he quickly revealed that he was not particularly a people person, a fact that frequently caused him and his coworker to clash. Whereas Hannah made awkward attempts at ingratiating herself when first being offered her job at the movie theater, he was often rude and made flippant remarks around Hannah to push her away, seeking to be left alone and avoid a deeper friendship with her. Born and raised within a wealthy upper-class Anglo-Saxon household, his background contrasts Hannah's own working-class upbringing considerably. Meanwhile Hannah was brought up by a loving single father who makes his living as an HVAC installer, Bradley comes from a wealthy family of surgeons who often neglected him in favor of their work, leaving him in the care of Fernanda Ayala, his Guatemalan housekeeper. He has a good relationship with his older college-aged sister Piper, although their relationship became more distant after she left the household to attend university, causing him to experience a sense of loneliness. It is hinted that Bradley's hostile behavior stems from his desire to be noticed and shown open demonstrations of love by his parents. Noticing their son's increasingly rebellious, defiant behavior and lack of motivation with his studies, his parents forcefully encouraged him to get a part-time job, believing it would promote a healthy work ethic and sense of responsibility in him. 

Reluctantly, Bradley applied and quickly got accepted for a position ushering at the local movie theater on the weekends, a job he claims to detest. He often performs it half-heartedly, as he would rather spend his free time playing video games with his best and presumably only friend Lloyd Cunningham. He attends the same school as Hannah and her best friend Mia and is often noted for being somewhat of a loner by choice, having a strong dislike for interacting with his peers and general apathy for his school environment. Although he will communicate with others when forced, he does not like small talk and will actively avoid unnecessary interactions with others. Bradley prefers instead to devote his team to sketching objects and his surrounding scenery in his drawing pad, a hobby he pursues out of boredom. He also likes to read classic literature as a means of distracting himself from his thoughts and claims to do well in school without much effort, excelling in mathematics. Unlike Hannah, he describes himself as a person who values consistency and dislikes change, causing him to have a desire to pursue a career as an accountant. He can be plagued by negative emotions however and suffers from a form of undiagnosed high-functioning depression, which often causes him to appear angry, despondent, or annoyed when he is around other people. Bradley still shows a more lighthearted side to his personality whenever he is around his uncle Steve, whom tends to show him affection and call him "scout" whenever they spend time together. He often brings luxurious gifts for him to enjoy during his visits, which can range from the latest android phone to a new PlayStation set, or perhaps the Reggie Jackson 1977 baseball card. He also fancies a similarly wealthy girl at his school named Sloane, whom is about a year older than him and first encountered him during his cousin's birthday party. 

The two spent the evening bonding over cheesy poofs, with his proceeding to take her on a date to see a broadway show followed by dinner at an Italian restaurant. Bradley is not good with unfamiliar situations or dealing with people he does not know well, which caused him to instantly take a disliking of his coworker Hannah for her excessive displays of friendliness. He would often perceive her well-intentioned attempts at getting him to open up to her as being intrusive and dismissed her conversations with sarcasm and irritability. He called her a "try-hard" who didn't understand how teenagers worked while pitting some of his fellow coworkers against her out of his own immaturity. He also labeled Hannah as a pain for her seeming insistence in occasionally showing up and making her way into his life uninvitedly and hurtfully snapped that he "hated being her friend." Hannah in turn referred to him as a "baby" and "pompous ass" who liked to wallow in self-pity and act like a brat to avoid dealing with reality, and couldn't possibly trust in the goodness of other people when he didn't even trust himself. Despite the constant friction between the two, the two had to remain on civil terms throughout the remainder of their time working together. The two of them actively avoiding each other and speaking only when necessary in order to diffuse the tension between them. Even as she eventually left her job at the movie theater to focus more on her schoolwork, the two never quite got along with one another. Bradley's parents, while well-meaning, admit that they do not truly know much about their only son, with their forgetting his birthday and his mother wrongly calling him "Brandon". To compensate for this, they try to honor his birthday by installing a new playground set for him, disregarding the fact that he was now a teenager with different interests. 

His housekeeper points this out to them, during which she declares that there are sometimes people who can be poor in money, but incredibly rich in love. This prompts his father to take him on a car ride the next day in order to catch up on his life, and he acknowledges that he should put time aside from his career as a surgeon so that they could simply do "guy things together". Bradley is a big fan of Tyler, the Creator, whom he considers his favorite music artist, and he will also listen to Eminem whenever he is not around his peers. He paints more often in his bedroom and is given a pet dog named Rex, in addition to having a club house that he and Lloyd use alongside a few other kids. Hannah sympathizes with him when she realizes that "the only way to tame a wild beast, is by taming its wild heart". He still exhibits upperclassmen attitudes however during his French class, when she tells him that the furthest she's come to actually going to Paris is stopping by Paris, Texas. Bradley's favorite food is Salisbury steak, and he is also known for his love of ketchup and tendency to use the word "dude" as a noun, adverb and adjective. He claims that there is nothing he likes in life more than big fat checks with lots of 0s on them, and that his favorite film of all time is Oppenheimer. While they are classmates within the same high school, Hannah came to actively dislike him for snobbishness and overbearing attitude. He has curly, closely cropped blonde hair, dull gray eyes, and a fair complexion and enjoys sailing and fine wine appreciation. Bradley claims that in his old Long Island middle school, the principal had an Australian accent, a huge pot belly and a tendency to twist his hair into knots whenever he spoke. He liked to impersonate him as part of his jokes and was the star forward, leading scorer, and co-captain of the soccer team. 

He once bought a heart shaped box with Piper to give to their parents for their anniversary but ate the entire box after staring at it for so long. According to Lloyd, he will sometimes rock out to elevator music, and the closest song he knows to a sea shanty is "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Bradley likewise states that he was on TV in the fourth grade when a local news team came to cover a snow storm that blew a tree into the school. He has a couch in his bedroom and two windows in his room, and he usually keeps the shade down so that the sun doesn't wake him up too early. He is a tough cookie and says that he is not a wishy-washy person, although he tends to be over dramatic when he wants to be. He declares that he couldn't imagine himself being married to anyone at at all, yet he wouldn't mind being married some day in the far future. Bradley used to wear a mask while playing sports in the springtime, during which the pollen count or the pollution index was high. He he has stated that he would consider being a restaurant owner, school principal, or FBI badge maker as potential careers and likes breakfast burritos with cheese and no potatoes. He considers Fernanda to be a friend, and his mother usually recompensed her very generously for the services she provided for the family. His dentist, whom he has seen for 7 years is Dr. Elmer Lambert, although he simply refers to himself as "Dr. Enamel", and his birth stone is a sapphire. A gangling youth, Bradley's most noticeable trait is his tall and lanky build at an impressive 6 ft. 2 by contrast to the much shorter Hannah, who stands about a foot beneath his height at 5 ft. 3 ½. He finally asked Hannah for forgiveness a few years later and is shown to be attending university at the College of William and Mary. ISTJ 6w5

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