Untitled Part 84

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Butters has some people-pleasing tendencies, wishing to make others happy and to be liked and well-received by everyone that he meets. He is usually creative, optimistic and supportive, although he can sometimes be too willing to go along with others in order to keep the peace. He cares deeply for other people, often putting their feelings and interests before his own, in some cases at a personal cost. He tends to be very kindly and sympathetic, but can be somewhat naïve in regards to understanding the ulterior motives of others, quickly growing attached to those who are demonstrative and affectionate towards him. Butters' friendliness and eagerness to reach out to others sometimes results in his being dismissed whenever he is first trying to introduce himself. He can be quite gullible, which has previously caused him to mistake the slightest bit of positive reinforcement as a "free ticket" to invite people to come over to his house. He enjoys giving attention to others and may want to learn new things about his friends' and their pastimes as a means of having something to share in common with them. He can struggle at times to state his desires and needs however and may follow other people's whims instead of asserting himself.  Although he interacts with several different people, Butters isn't particularly close to anyone else beyond his best friend Kenny McCormick and good friend Scott Malkinson, whom he met in art class. He tries to balance out his need for individuality with a strong desire to gain intimacy and solidarity with others, which can make setting boundaries somewhat challenging for him. He is not content deep down to be just someone's friend, as he wants to be the "best" friend, as well as the confidante and number-one kindred spirit. 

Generous and friendly, he can be doubtful and wants to feel as though he is part of a group, showing a desire to please others in order to be acknowledged and fit in somewhere. Despite this, Butters doesn't seek to be the most popular kid at school, as he simply wants friends and people to spend her afternoons and weekends with. He is sensitive and selfless, as he was prepared to give up his spot for one of his classmates if there wasn't any room left on the class trip and is very attentive to the needs of others. His big heart doesn't exclude even the more reserved, yet he has still shown himself to be apologetic at times and overly concerned with how others perceive him. He also has a habit of attracting broken and damaged people who can sometimes appear overly demanding and take advantage of his good nature, which can often leave him feeling emotionally drained in his desire to reassure and offer guidance to others. Butters is nevertheless genuine and sincere in his daily encounters and often goes out of his way to care for and assist the people around him. He will often do anything in order to keep his friends happy, even at the expense of his own well-being, and enjoys making people laugh with his goofy sense of humor. He is a gentle soul who likes to perform random favors and acts of kindness, whether it's picking up spilled pencils or sharing his lunch with a friend who didn't bring one, and is generally humble and honest. He attracts people with his imagination and is normally seen as the type of person who will show up with a hot meal when a friend is sick, as well as the first one to offer help in a dire situation. Butters is very kindhearted and innocent and very rarely acts openly mean to anyone, even those who find him an annoyance and act cruelly to him. He is a broadminded, openhearted boy who can be surprisingly profound, showing an enormous amount of insight despite his lack of social skills, along with his pure heart. 

He claims that he would volunteer to be a fortune cookie writer, as he can use his creativity and humorous side to come up with amusing philosophical quips to make those around him smile. He has a gift for seeing possibilities and creative solutions to interpersonal issues people are dealing with, which inspires her to root for the underdogs. Butters can see how different events may unfold and how many good things could happen, making him skilled at cheering up even the most downcast friend. He brings his unique talents to the intermission when he cheers his classmates on after being unable to play in the school's hockey tournament due to a sore toe. He is unable to resist the urge to try and befriend cats, despite being allergic to them, and always feels let down when they turn out to be wild, feline creatures who do not warm up to others as much as they should. He is also extremely giving and likes to thoughtfully craft handmade gifts for the people she cares about, having once customized a tennis racket cover to offer his cousin on his birthday. Despite his cheerful attitude, Butters opts to show a bit of a darker and gloomier side to herself under some circumstances and can occasionally have her feelings hurt. He saw his artistic skill suddenly tested when he was disappointed in Linda and believed she hated all the gifts he made her, only for her to reveal they were truly appreciated after he ruined one of them, as they came from the heart. The fastest way to get her to avoid someone is to wait until she has finally worked up the courage to explain how she feels about something, only to tell her that particular person or thing is "lame". When her owl-making was plagiarized by Eric Cartman, she determined she would rather not have an owl at all than have someone else copy her design and attempted to hide both owls. 

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