Prologue - Escape

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When they speak, they're talking in Mandarin Chinese

Marielle's POV:

I was playing in the palace gardens when I heard a gunshot. At first, I didn't think much of it, as the guards were often training in case of an attack. Then I heard six more in quick procession. My head snapped up as I realized that although the guards often train, they train in the basement, which is soundproof, to not raise any confusion and fear in our people. I stood up and ran towards the sound. I saw a guard with a gun up, then a gunshot and he fell down. I hid behind a tree, closed my eyes and opened my mind. (Otherwise explained as being able to see and hear everywhere at the same time.) I could see the injured guard on the ground, several more unconscious at their posts, a few unconscious looking like they were running towards the palace, and a man in a mask ordering dozen more masked men to spread and search for the King, Queen, and Princess and kill them on sight. I gasped when I heard that and put a hand over my mouth in fear then opened my eyes.

I won't be getting out of here without being seen.

I used my magic to levitate myself up to the top of the tree, and then levitated to the third floor window as fast as I could. As soon as I was out of the tree I heard a shout and footsteps heading to the castle. When I was in the window I ran to the throne room where I knew my parents would be. I heard two gunshots before slamming the door open already knowing I was too late. I saw a man with a gun and drew my own gun just as his head snapped to me. The next moments blurred in my mind until I really thought about what happened later that day. I felt my finger pull the trigger then saw the man fall moments later. I didn't look at my parents' bodies. I saw myself turn on my heel and run to Ninio's room. I slammed the door open making him stand to attention. I ordered him to pack and meet me at my private jet in five minutes then ran to my room, calling my retired grandparents on the way.

"Mom and dad are dead, I'm heading to Paris to live with Aunt Sabine and Uncle Tom, you'll have to take the throne again." I told my Grandmother Tikki with tears in my eyes.

"Dead?" she asked as her voice shook "I... Thank you for telling me. Is Ninio going with you?"

"Yes, we'll be taking my jet. We'll also be changing our identities so I'll call you when we're there. Update me on the situation as soon as you can." I told her, gritting my teeth as I heard shouts somewhere below me.

Alright. Stay safe, and don't let them catch you. You've grown up too fast for your age you know, making all these decisions on the go. We'll handle the situation, don't worry. Goodbye Hon." Gan told me, and I could almost feel her sad smile on the other end of the phone.

"Goodbye gran, and tell grandpa Plagg goodbye for me too." I told her, hanging up as I reached my room. When I stepped in, I immediately used my magic to pack up a bare minimum as I was sure Ninio was already waiting for me. I opened the secret door at the back of my room as I heard footsteps heading to my room. I closed the passage just as I heard my room door being broken down. I hurried down the passage levitating my luggage behind me. As soon as I reached the end I ran to my jet. As soon as I was inside, it lifted off. Ninio was already there, so I told him what I told my grandmother, and we cried for everything we lost.

A few hours later I remembered that we still needed to come up with our new identities and I needed to call my aunt and uncle with the news. We changed Ninio's name to Nino, because it was already his nickname, and left his last name the same because he'd be living with his grandparents. I changed my name to Marinette, because it's what my aunt and uncle would have named their daughter, and I'd be posing as her. My last name changed to my aunt and uncles, Dupain, and I'd be living with them in their bakery.

First, I gave my grandparents a call, to tell them our new identities, and ask about the situation in China. After that, we cried for about another hour, until we were out of tears, as my uncle, and Nino's father, died in the attack. Most of the assassins, as they were identified as, had escaped, but luckily, they didn't seem to be aiming to take over the kingdom, just destroy the hierarchy, so my grandparents would be safe. I, on the other hand, would have to remain in hiding until I was old enough to take the throne, and ultimately get rid of the assassins once and for all. Once my grandparent's news settled in, I called my aunt and uncle, telling them what happened, and what would be happening.

Once we finally landed in Paris, we settled in and began our new lives and just friends Marinette Dupain and Nino Lahiffe, instead of cousins Princess Marielle, and soldier Ninio Lahiffe.

To Be Continued...

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