Chapter 7-Gone

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Mari's POV:

That morning I got up at the same time as Damian. We did our usual routine and decided to spar. We went down to the gym and started warming up. Then got onto the mat, bowed, and got into fighting stance. For a minute we just circled each other, then Damian began with a punch. I Blocked. His style hasn't really changed since the last time we fought. I went down and swept my leg under his feet, he managed to jump into a back handspring. It went like this for the next hour or so, until I flipped him, twisting his arm so that if he moved it would hurt. Then we heard clapping. When I looked to the door I saw my class. All of them shocked. Adrien was the one who clapped. I let go of Damian, we bowed, ignoring my class, and went to the changing room. When I came out my class was still there, waiting for me. As soon as they saw I came out, they rushed me.

"When did you learn to fight like that?!" "What else can you do?" "Can you show us more?!" "Your boyfriend is like twice as tall as you! How in the world did you win against him?!" "You did say you could fight, but that's way cool!" I laughed at them all. It was a bit endearing to be honest. 

"Slow down guys! I can't answer you if you're pelting  me with questions." I say. "I was taught by my uncle, the general, and Nino's father when I used to live here. I've trained in all types of martial arts, and a lot of other stuff, like acrobatics. I can show you more some other time. Today we're going out, tomorrow we're going to the school. I won against my boyfriend because I practice, and eventually became stronger than him. And I guess you can say it's cool, but for me it's plain fun to fight. I've always enjoyed it." I answer all their questions. "Now, off to breakfast!" The class cheers. My boyfriend walks up behind me, putting his arm around my waist as we lead the class off to the dining room.

After the breakfast my cooks prepared for all of us, we got ready to leave for the biggest tourist spot in China. And we'd be using magic to get there, but the class didn't know that. Once everyone was done getting ready, we all met at the main entrance, but instead of leading them out of the mansion, I smirked, and led the class to the back, the gardens. The class was very confused, but didn't ask. I was the one who knew everything here. We went into the garden maze, and the class carefully followed me as to not get lost. Eventually I stopped at a dead end and faced the class.

"Now, I know you're all very confused, but as you know, the royals hold magic. When this house was created for the growing princes and princesses centuries ago, they added a feature that only the royals would know how to access. Many people know of them, but only the royal family knows how to actually get to them and use them. These are the portals, created by the previous greatest royal, King Qin Shi Huang, the founder of the Qin Dynasty and the first emperor of a unified China. He made sure that only if you enter the center of the maze the right way would you be able to use the portals. Being Queen Bridgette's niece, and the princesses cousin, as well as guard, I am allowed to know how to use them. For today, we will have part of the great wall of China to ourselves to explore." I smile and then turn to the wall. I draw out 18 in Mandarin and the brush separates. I walk through, the class following me in silent awe.

"Wait wait wait wait!!" Exclaimed Alya raising her hands. "Did you just say that you're the Queen's niece?" She asked, looking at me incredulously. The class too looked at me. I frowned.

"I could have sworn I said that." I say to myself, then turn to them. "Yes, my mother is the queen's youngest sister. Even then, we weren't really considered the royal family. Especially since the two younger princesses, so mine and Nino's mothers decided to travel once they were old enough. Nino was considered the General's son, not the princesses, and my father is a baker, which puts me on an even lower level, even though not many know that, instead knowing me as the General's niece. Whether we have blood relation to the Queen or not, it wouldn't change our status. It took a lot for us to meet our cousin." I tell them, Nino nodding along. Then I turned back to the garden.

The garden consisted of several trees around a lake, and a center island to which led only one old bridge. It wasn't much, but it was beautiful. I led my class onto the bridge, reassuring them that the bridge was magical, and wouldn't break when I saw a few of them get nervous. We all fit in a tight circle on the island, despite how small it had seemed before, while I stood in the middle. I crouched, and touched the center. Mumbling a few special words in Ancient Chinese, and then the grass disappeared. And the ground turned blue, and then it was as if we were standing in the middle of the lake and there was no island at all. Then the part of the lake we were somehow standing on turned a brighter blue, and then it turned sky blue. And the whole world became a blue nothingness. And then we were standing at the top of one of The Great Wall of China's towers. 

It took my class a few minutes to come out of their shock so we could go down and start exploring. One of the exits was tied off so others couldn't go to the section of the wall reserved for our class, and so we wouldn't wander off either. The class took to exploring while me and Damian stood to the side just talking. There was a sound from Dami's phone, interrupting our conversation. 

"Angel, Jon is asking if he could join us for today." He told me, looking up from his phone. I opened my mouth to reply, but then paused for a second.

"Dami, Jon is gay right?" I asked.

"Yes, he is. Why?" He asked me.

"You see, Adrien is also gay. What do you think?" I pointed towards Adrien, who was hanging around our normal group. He looked him over.

"He's the one you said knows your secret, right? I think he'd be good for Jon. Help him relax a bit more, and Jon can help him through the world. I thin we should certainly set them up." He said, smirking at me. I smirked back. "Jon said he'll be here in five." Damian told me. 

Once Damian see's Jon climbing up to the wall where we are, he immediately lets me know and I call over Adrien.

"Adrien, there's someone I want you to meet." I tell him as Damian leads Jon over. "Adrien, this is Jon," I gesture to Jon, "Jon this is Adrien." I stand behind him pushing him forward. 

"Umm... Hi?" Adrien says, waving shyly while checking Jon out. Jon's doing the same as I pull Damian over to me and leave them to talk.

"Do you think they'll end up together?" I ask him..

"Yeah, I do." Damian tells me, a small smile on his face as we walk over to the rest of the class. Eventually, Jon and Adrien join us, both blushing a lot, and we regroup. The class lets me lead them down the wall, pointing a few things out, and telling them the history of the wall. Near the end, Alya notices something.

"Hey, what's that flower? It looks pretty." Alya says, walking over to the edge of the wall. The rest of my classmates follow, wanting to see what interested her. I was about to follow when I dropped my bag. 

"One sec," I say turning to pick it up-

No one's POV

"Marinette, what is this flower?" Alya asks, turning back to her. "I haven-" the words died in her throat. As the rest of the classmates turned around, they all found the same thing. After a few minutes, Damian came running up to the group, having left a few minutes ago, only to find a silent class.

"Where is Marinette?"


This book is not discontinued, nor will it be. I will finish this book, as I still have a lot of things I want to happen, but a few of my ideas are unfinished, or I can't come up with more yet, so this book is going on hold for now. Any ideas or requests for scenes you'd like to be added to the book are welcome, as long as they stay in the frames of the already written book. 

Happy New years!

To Be Continued...

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