Chapter 6-Pool Party

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Mari's POV:

Once I was changed into my red bikini with a pastel pink dress on top me and Damian made our way down to the pool, chatting about our lives and anything that came to mind. Once we go there, some of the class was already there. Damian got a lot of stares, as he was in black swim shorts with no shirt on. Once we reached to pool, he went in, going to our secret cove under the water, and I went to one of the lounge chairs to read a magazine. One the rest of the class was there, they played with some of the balls and Kim and Alix had a few races. I was left alone until...

Chloe: "Why aren't you in the water Dupain-Cheng? Is it cause you're so fat and you don't want to show it? Haha, loser!" Yelled the one and only Chloe Bourgeois.  I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

Mari: "If I were called fat, you'd be obese Chloe." I said, with a shake of my head as I went back to reading. 

Alix: "Ooh, burn!" Alix yelled as Chloe stomped over to me in rage. She was about to slap me, but I caught her hand and gave her a glare that made her shiver. She went back to the pool with Sabrina. 

Alya: "But seriously, come join us Marinette!" yelled Alya. I looked up with a questioning glance. 

Mari: "The only one who can get me in the pool is my boyfriend." I went back to reading while par of the class groaned. Then I feel arms around me, lifting me up. I dropped my book as I squeaked in surprise, staring into the forest green eyes of my boyfriend as he carries me to the pool, smirking.

Damian: "Take her, she needs to spend some time with her friends or she'll become like me." he told the class, and then dropped me into the pool. The whole class was laughing as I resurfaced. 

Damian: "You said Your boyfriend was the only one who could get you in the pool did you not?" he said grinning.

I got out of the pool dripping wet as I glared at my boyfriend. Then I smirked, wiping the grin off his face as I removed my soaked dress to reveal my eight-pack and perfectly toned body. I ignored the gasps of my classmates as I walked up to him, swaying my hips. His eyes wide, he was frozen in place as I moved up to him, my face inches away from his. 

Mari: "Maybe, but I didn't say that I wouldn't repay him did I?" I whispered in his ear. I turned away from him right after walking up to the diving boards, and going up to the highest one, which was four stories high. Then I jumped, completing three perfect flips before hitting the water. When I came up everyone was staring at me again. I sat on the edge and sighed. 

Mari: "I've worked out before, and you already know I was the Princesses Guard so stop staring at me please." I asked them. 

Kim: "Umm, yeah, sorry, it was just surprising." Kim mumbled. I sighed.

Mari: "Since you got me wet, what game are we playing?" The class perked up at that. We played volleyball the rest of the time at the pool, until Alya suggested we play truth or dare. 

Alya: "So we all stand on the line and if you don't do the dare or don't answer the question you take a step towards the hot tub. The first one in loses. And everyone has to play, no exceptions. Even you, Marinette's boyfriend. What is your name? You never told us." 

Damian: "Tt, Damian." Damian went back to his usual scowl. I just giggled, at which his lips slightly turned up.

Alya: "Ok, Ice prince, get in line with everyone else." Alya said as everyone lined up. "So who's going first?"

Kim: "I will! Alix, truth or dare?"

Alix: "Dare! I'm not a wimp."

Kim: "I dare you to do a flip off one of the diving boards!"

Alix: "Really? So simple." She walks over to the diving boards walking to the lowest one and does a flip into the water. Coming up with a smirk on her face. "My turn!" She says once she's out . "Ivan, truth or dare?"

Ivan: "Umm, dare?" He says rubbing the back of his neck.

Alix: "I dare you to kiss Mylene." 

Ivan: "Umm, I- " he gets cut off by a kiss from Mylene. He blushes bright red, and then moves on. "Kim, truth or dare?" He asks.

Kim: "Dare bro!"

Ivan: "I dare you to... kiss the first gay guy you see other than Nath." At that Kim's eyes widened. Everyone knew he was gay, but the other gay person that was in our group other than Nath hadn't revealed it yet, but Kim knew. I decided to take control of the situation. I grabbed Adrien's arm after giving a sign for Kim to wait.

Mari: "I need to talk to Adrien for a sec, we'll be right back." Then we walked away. Once we were out or earshot I asked him, "Do you want to tell them?"

Adrien: "I don't know, there's nothing between me and Kim and this would make things awkward, but otherwise I guess you're right. Can you ask Kim for me? I don't want to make things weird."

Mari: "Sure will." And with that we walked back. The game had continued after we left, with Kim daring Alya to let one of the girls, Rose, look through her phone.

Alya: "Marinette! You're back. Truth or dare?"

Mari: "Dare. Why not?"

Alya: "If Ice prince over there," she pointed at Damian and he shot her a glare, "is really your boyfriend, then I dare you... To make him blush." She whispered the last part so Damian didn't hear it. I scoff.

Mari: "Really? That's too easy." I said I faced Damian, catching his attention. I looked away and put a hand through my hair, then made eye contact again. The rest of the class watched. I smirked as he just stood there, frozen. I walked up to him, swinging my hips like I had done earlier as he watched me. I put my hand on his chest and leaned in, whispering in his ear,  "Cause you're mine. My. Hot. Boyfriend." He blushed scarlet. I grinned wider and walked back to Alya. "Like I said, too easy."

Damian: "I'm gonna get you back for that." He said pouting. 

Mari: "Ok, truth or dare Dami?"

Damian: "Dare." He scoffed. I smiled, and then walked up to him again.

Mari: "I dare you to kiss me." I said. He just raised an eyebrow.

Damian: "Really? You know you could have just asked." He said, not even giving me time to respond as he kissed me, deeply and passionately. The game continued, Damian asking Nathaniel something he refused to answer, Nathaniel daring Rose to do something she didn't want to, Rose daring Juleka to kiss her, which she did, and then I managed to drag Kim away. 

Mari: "First, do you have any feelings for Adrien, second, would it be awkward between you two if you kissed, and three, Adrien doesn't have anything for you, but doesn't want to mess up your friendship, so would you kiss him?" I asked Kim as soon as we were out of earshot of the group.

Kim: "First, no, second, not really, I used to have feelings for him, but I consider him a friend, so I don't think it would be awkward, and three, if he wants to reveal that he's gay, it would be an easy way to get out of the dare, so yes." Kim told me.

Mari: "Great! He's ready for the reveal, don't worry. Now lets go! You have a boy to kiss!" I said dragging Kim back to the group. "Kim's ready to do his dare guys!"I exclaim as I push Kim into the group. "And that's because someone in our group is secretly gay, and I had to make sure he was Ok with this before Kim kissed him, which is why it took so long." Kim glared at me. "They don't have feelings for each other, so no shipping girls!" I add, making some of the girls groan. "The gay in our group is...... Adrien!" I said, pushing Kim into him as the class looked shocked. Kim gave Adrien a quick kiss and then the stepped away from each other, clearly embarrassed.

Alya: "I didn't know you were gay! You should have told us!" Alya said.

Chloe: "Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!" Chloe said, pouting as she stomped out of the pool and went back to her room with Sabrina.

After we ended our game of truth or dare, with Nathaniel losing, we all went back to our rooms to relax and sleep off the jet-lag. I fell asleep in my boyfriends arms with a feeling of security for the first time  in five years.

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