Backstory-Part 3-Project

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Damian's POV:

When I walked into class, Fu was already there. She always came early, and always before me. I had no idea how since I already came before the teacher, but she managed to. For the whole Three weeks she's been here. I sat down in my seat and took out my things. after ten minutes or so the teacher came in. Then the bell rings and the students started coming in. Once everyone is there the teacher starts. 

"Today we you will be doing a presentation on the book To Kill a Mockingbird." The teacher says passing out papers. "Your partners name is written on the board. You have this week to complete it. I expect this to be turned in on Friday." I look at the board. Fu is my partner, great.

I sigh as everyone in the class moves to start and Fu sits down besides me, still her cheerful self. This project is gonna be annoying.

"So, how would you like to start?" She asks

"How would you think it's easier?" I ask her, rolling my eyes, but her eyes seem to brighten. 

"Well, I'm good at design, so I could plan out the board, and then we can both  take notes for the essay and then write it together?" She says, but it came out sounding like a question. I nod and stand up gathering my things. 

"I'll see you in the library at lunch so we can start on the notes. For the essay we will just both write a first draft and finalize it together." I say, for some reason kinder to her than most. She nods happily, also gathering her things. We leave class together, going to our next classes, one of the few we don't share. At lunch we meet up in the library and start working. Other than a few arguments about different points be barely talk. At the end of lunch neither of us is done.

"Do you want to get together after school to finish?" She asks me. 

"Tt, I suppose so." I tell her. "Your place or mine?"

"Can we do it at yours? My grandfather isn't good with new people, and I don't want him to freak out. I haven't had any of my friends over since I started living with him." She says, nervously. "Oh god, you probably can't, or I was improper, or was that rude? Oh god! I knew I'd embarrass myself..." She starts rambling when I don't respond because I'm gathering my things. She's over reacting, but it's kinda cute... NO! No no no, I did not just think that. It's annoying. Yes, she's annoying and so is her rambling. I frown and then grab her arm, catching her attention ans shutting her up.

"We can do it at mine. I was the one who suggested it anyway. You're over reacting."

"Oh." She says, turning bright red. "I-I'll s-see you after school t-then?" She stuttered turning away. My lips turned up a bit. "My driver will take us to my place. Till then Fu." I say walking out, wondering why I smiled. 

After school she was waiting for me at the schools main entrance. She gave me a smile when she saw me and walked over to me. I just nodded towards the limo in which Alfred was waiting for me and she followed me as I walked over. Sighing I held the door open for her and she climbed in, giving me another smile. We sit in silence as Alfred drives us to the manor. Fu is looking out the window and drawing the whole time. I catch a glance at her notebook to see an elegant dress fit for a princess. When We got to the manor I held the door open for her again and she climbed out, thanked Alfred, and then finally took in the sight of the manor. She froze and her eyed widened a bit before she whipped out the sketchbook again and started drawing. I cleared my throat to catch her attention and as soon as she looked at me her face burst scarlet and she put the sketchbook away, giving me a small "Sorry" as I motioned to the front door and walked in, her following me.

When we walked inside we were hit by the hurricane that is my brother.

"Hey Little D! We got new- Who's that?" Said Grayson as he stopped in front of us.

"Hi." Fu squeaked, giving a shy smile and waving at him as he stared at her, mouth gaping. I glared at him and grabbed Fu's arm, dragging her to the library.

"We have a project to work on." I say as she squeaked again, eyes widening as she stumbled behind me. Grayson took a few seconds to realize what I said and they shouted,

"DEMON SPAWN HAS A GIRLFRIEND! AND SHE GOES TO HIS SCHOOL!" He yelled, causing shouting and crashes on the second floor. I scowled. After a minute we reached the library and sat down to keep working. I could feel her keep glancing at me but ignored it. Soon my three brothers barged in. Making Fu jump. I scowl and shoot my brothers a glare. 

"Get. Out." I growl. 

"Nope! We're meeting your girlfriend. She's so cute! And she looks to tiny! Are you his age? You must be crazy smart!" Grayson says, rushing over to the now scarlet girl.

"I-I'm n-not his g-girlfriend." She stutters out, shying away from him, still blushing.

Mari's POV:

They called  me his GIRLFRIEND! No way am I his girlfriend!

"I-I'm n-not his g-girlfriend." I stutter out. The Guy with a white streak in his hair scoffs, shaking his head.

"Sure your not his girlfriend. You're practically a princess!" He says. I flinch, hoping they don't notice. 

"Umm... I'm just here to work on a project. We've barely talked until today." I say, glancing at him. Gosh was this all weird. "My name is Lunessa." I say smiling at the brothers. 

"Oh, where are my manners!" exclaims the boy in front of my. "Richard Grayson, call me Dick." I raise an eyebrow at the nickname. "The one with the white streak in his hair is Jason Todd, and The sleep deprived one in Tim Drake." He says smiling at me. I notice Damian scowling and glaring at his brothers. He wants them to leave. 

"W-well, we should probably get back to working on the project." I say biting my lip. Damian's brothers are overwhelming. "It was nice meeting you guys. I hope I get to see you again." I smile.

"Oh... You're not staying for dinner?" Dick pouts. I giggle. "Oh, I know! Come over to dinner tomorrow, We'll be expecting you!" He says, rushing his other two brothers out before I can say anything. I guess I'll have to come then. I sigh. 

"Are your brothers always so..." I say, getting cut off by Damian.

"Annoying? Yes." He growls, focusing on his notes again.

"I was gonna say energetic." I mumble. "And now I have to go to dinner with the family of a classmate which I had barely known for three weeks. I hope they're not like Alec's Family." The last part came out in a whisper, and I hope Damian didn't hear it.

I finish the board that night using magic to slow down time for me so I can do it faster in real time. The essay was finalized the next day. Needless to say we got full marks. Then I was getting ready for dinner with the Wayne's.

I'm really sorry for the late update. I had a lot of work to do this week and couldn't write as much.

To Be Continued...

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