Backstory-Part 2-Same Age

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Damian POV:

As I walked down the hallway of the highschool I attended, I kept hearing whispers of a new student. Although this wasn't exactly rare  it still seemed like a big deal to everyone. My father hadn't informed me that there would be a new student, so I'd have to do a background check later. I had started attending this school, even though I should have been in fourth grade, because my peers have become unbearable, and I couldn't learn anything new in my grade anyway, so my father had agreed that it would be best for me to transfer to a highschool, but this student was still big news since they had apparently just moved to Gotham. Having to deal with another teenager wasn't something I looked forward to, but it still intrigued me. I headed to class and sat in my usual seat at the back of the room. I knew the chances were slim, but I still watched the door for any new faces. Once the bell rang, everyone filed into the classroom. After a minute the teacher came in, extremely happy about something. This was rare, so it immediately caught everyone's attention and they quieted down.

Teacher: "Good morning students, today we'll have a new student joining us. She'll be here soon, she's just finishing up a few things in the office."

True to her word, there was a knock heard after a few minutes. 

Teacher: "Come in!"

The door slowly opened revealing a little girl my age. Not a teenager, a ten-year-old. I would defiantly need to look her up.

???: "Hello..."

Teacher: "Welcome! Come in. Could you please introduce yourself to the class and tell them a little about yourself?" The girl came in and gave the class a tentative smile.

Luna: "Hello, my name is Lunessa Fu, but you can call me Luna. I'm ten years old and I live with my grandfather. We just moved here from California. I hope we can be friends!" She flashed a bright smile at the class.

Teacher: "You can sit in the front Luna," she pointed at a seat next to Maya Williams, the youngest in our class, who smiled at the girl. "Everyone please be nice to Luna. Now, turn to page 46..." The teacher droned on.

I could see the girl start talking to Williams, and they seemed to get along well. Fu was smart, she answered the teacher's questions correctly, and kindly reminded the teacher of anything she forgot throughout the lesson, but in a way that the teacher couldn't even be mad at her for pointing it out. By the end of the day, everyone was in love with the girl, and it annoyed me a great length. No one knew a thing about her as she had always changed the subject when it came to California, and never talked about her previous life, which was suspicious. The girl even approached me at one point. I told her to leave me alone, and called her by her last name. Her eyes seemed to dull, but she smiled, and told me that if that's what I wanted then she would do it, but she had just felt like I was alone and needed company, and then left. I was a bit surprised. Usually people would be too intimidated by me to consider even trying to be my friend, but she seemed to kind for her own good, it could get her killed one day, and that made me even more annoyed. This girl didn't belong in Gotham. 

When I got home that day I immediately headed to the bat-cave and searched up Lunessa Fu. One file came up: 

Lunessa (Luna) Margarita Fu

Birthday: October 25 2002

Birth City: San Diego

Birth Mother: Laura Lupina Miller (deceased)

Birth Father: Mark Aiden Miller (deceased)

Guardian: Wang Alexander Fu (Grandfather)

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