Chapter Two - Decisions.

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Nino's POV:

After Mari and I were done with our morning training, I headed to school. No one knew that me and Mari were cousins, partially because we would present ourselves as nothing more but very close friends, and partially because I had quite a liking to the sweets in their bakery, so if I was ever seen walking out of the bakery it wouldn't mean anything, because I was also a family friend. I saw Adrien arrive just as I entered the school and we went to class together, chatting about my career as a DJ, which wouldn't happen because I was the princesses bodyguard and would stay by her side when she became Queen. Music was a fun hobby, and it came useful for my cover, but I was never interested in turning music into my career. I wanted to follow in my fathers footsteps and stick with Mari. The bell rang after we switched to talking about Adrien's future career, in which he hasn't really found a passion yet. The Girls ran in a few minutes after us, out of breath, as they most likely ran all the way to class. The teacher came in late and announced the trip to china. When I stole a glance at Mari, I could see she wasn't happy. Adrien was talking to Chloe because she was begging him to get first class for him and her, and then saying that she'd get "Daddy" to get them, and Alya was talking to Ivan because he asked her if she could find the Map of China so he could plan out a date for Mylene, while Mari was just staring at her notebook. Suddenly she told me to come to her house through the mental link, and some of her thoughts came with the message, and they were pretty mad thoughts. I mentally laughed at her, and told her everything she missed while 'staring at her notebook.' Then we both packed up and left, her first, then me and Adrien, then the rest of the class.

I went home immediately after school. I had told Mari that I'd come to her place in an hour so I needed to pack up. I grabbed everything I owned, which wasn't a lot since I always had to be prepared to move and I didn't have magic like Mari to help me. Then I called Mari to tell her I'd be coming by earlier because I was already packed and she said that she'd be waiting for me. I grabbed my one bag and suitcase, told my grandparents a quick goodbye as I wouldn't be coming back, and left for the bakery.

When I got there I said a quick "hello" to Aunt Sabine and Uncle Tom, then went to the back. I saw Mari's luggage in the guest bedroom and left my things there as well. Then I went up to Mari's room to find her meditating on her bed. I sat down in her desk chair and waited for her to finish.

"Finally!" I exclaimed when she finally opened her eyes. "I've been waiting for like half an hour!" I hadn't really, but she seemed tense and needed and outlet

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't expecting you so soon lord Ninio." Mari responded, her facial expression didn't change once. She must really be tight.

"Marielle, we don't need to use those terms until your coronation." I said, then she grinned.

"I was messing with you!" she laughed, though her voice was tighter than usual, so I could see she was still tense "But we do have a lot to discuss and decide." Her smile faded. Can she decide on an emotion please?

"I assume you called your grandparents? What did they say?" I asked, more serious now, seeing that she just needed to get this over with.

"Gran said that she'll be sending bodyguards and limos to pick up at the airport to make sure we're safe, but we're to bring weapons and fight if we are attacked. The bodyguards are backup, protecting the class is up to us. We're probably staying at the castle, but I didn't clarify that. I just know we're staying somewhere safe. I've also decided to tell Alya about me being princess so she can help us sneak out if we need to." Marinette recounted. I thought for a second.

"Can we tell Adrien instead of Alya? I want to test her." I asked, smirking, "I want to see if she's as good a reporter as she says, she'll be thanking me later." Mar blinked.

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