Chapter One - China?

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If text is underlined, they're speaking in Mandarin.

Mari's POV:

I woke up and looked at the clock, 4:55. Most of my friends would never believe me if I said that I woke up that early every day, because they think I'm "Sleeping in" whenever I come to school late, which is every day. In all honesty, I only pretend to wake up late, when in truth, I just take all that time in the morning for training. The lateness is to cover up the fact that I'm a princess, since a girl with a perfect attendance history is much easier to track down. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I put on a workout outfit and wrapped my hands, deciding to practice simple hand to hand combat today. The next hour was spent training, which switched to sparring when Nino arrived. By then it was six in the morning and Nino went to take a shower and change. Once he was done I took a shower myself and changed into a simple light pink floral dress. I found Nino in the map room and we spent the next hour going over poise, proper language, the rules, battle plans should we be attacked during my rule, and so on. At seven we went up and had breakfast, saying good morning to our aunt and uncle, and yes they aren't my parents, even though they act as such in other people's presence, except Nino. At seven thirty, Nino left for school so he'd be on time. At seven fifty five, I rushed to school myself, yelling my aunt and uncle a quick goodbye, making it look like I slept in again. I couldn't wait for the day when I'd get to stop acting. I arrived three minutes early, a new record for my cover, and was immediately crushed by my best friend, Alya.

"YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!!!" Yelled Alya nearly making me fall over in her excitement.

"Yes Alya, I'm here. Now can you please let me go?" I asked, with the breath I had left, heaving a great breath of air once she finally released me from her iron grip. Sometimes I think she can rival my Uncle Tom's hugs.

"Did you hear the news, Lila's liles were finally proven to be lies!" She exclaimed. I mentaly cringed at her wording.

"Wow, really? How? And who? Is Lila still going to attend school or did she finally get expelled? Is she-" The last question of my fake excited rambling was cut off by Alyas response. I really couldn't care more about Lila except the fact that she was ruining lives.

"CHLOE!! can you believe it?! She was apparently really annoyed that Lila claimed to know all of her celebrity friends and made her daddy get Lila's hospital transcript as well as video footage of all the crimes she committed and things she set up to back up her lies at school! She's actually never even been to the hospital, and doesn't have any diseases either! So she can't excuse all her crimes! She's like, the daughter of a wanted criminal back in Italy, and he and her mother got together on complete accident, and she wasn't supposed to stay in contact with her dad, or even know who he was, but she did, and he taught her stuff, and she caused suicides, and even murdur back in her home city without anyone finding out until it was too late. Can you believe it?!"

"Haha, I guess Chloe is useful for something. I take it Lila's in jail?" I ask, surprised by how much Lila has already done. Maybe I could help the families of Lila's victims in the future. Lila ruined too many lives it seems.

"Yes, and-" Alya was cut off by the bell ringing, saving me from more of her rambling.

We rushed to class, the boys already waiting for us, and sat down to wait for the teacher. Mrs. Bustier walked in five minutes late with a smile on her face.

"Ahem. Good morning everyone." Mrs Bustier started.

"Good morning!" Chorused the class in greeting.

"I have good news today everyone. Marinette won the designing competition at our school that the King and Queen of China had arranged, so our class will be going to China to see the princesses coronation, as the princess will be wearing Marinette's gown!" she announced, making the class cheer.

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