Chapter 5-Mansion

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Mari's POV:

I ignored my classmates chatter as I looked out the window of the limo. I could feel Adrien staring at me, he was obviously worried. I turned and glared at him. He focused on Nino and Alya's conversation after sending me one last glance. I looked out the window again. Everything seemed so familiar, and yet so different from the last time I was here. I could still find my way around, so that's good. I had spent a lot of time studying the maps for a reason. I sighed as we pulled up at the mansion. There was a car parked there already which confused me. Was someone supposed to visit? It's probably my parents trying to surprise me. Guess I'll have to keep a good lookout. We got out of the limo and got our bags with the bodyguards help, then headed toward the mansion. As we passed through, the guards bowed their heads in respect. I did the same and led the class in. Inside were my head maids waiting for us. Angelica stepped forward.

Angelica: "Hello everyone and welcome to the princesses mansion. My name is Angelica and these are Mary and Sandy." She said motioning to the other two girls, while the class gaped at them. Right, I didn't tell them where we're staying. "You'll be staying here by request of the princess for your safety. We'll be giving you a tour and then you'll be taken to the guest wing to settle in. If you ever get lost just ask Marinette or one of the other maids. Now please follow me." Her voice left no time for discussion. 

The three ladies turned to lead the class around, explaining the architecture and history while pointing out the main parts of the house, like the kitchen, the dining room, the ballroom, the pool, the gardens, the royal wing, and more. They eventually came to the guest wing and the maids left us there to settle in. Then Mrs. Bustier called for attention.

Mrs. B: "All of you will be sharing rooms except for Marinette. This arrangement will not be changed. Adrien and Nino, Chloe and Sabrina, Ivan and Nathaniel. Juleka and Rose, Max and Kim, and Alya, Mylene, and Alix. Any questions?"

Rose: "Mme, where will Marinette be?"

Mari: "I'll be in my own room. I have one since I had to live here to protect the princess."

Alya: "That's so cool girl! How about we have a pool party later and you'll tell us more about the princess?" She asked looking at the rest of the class, receiving affirmative nods."

Alix and Kim: "Hell yeah!"

Alix: "We meet at the pool in an hour. First one there owes the other Kim!"

Kim: "Oh you're so on!" And he and Alix rushed to two separate rooms, max following Kim, and Mylene and Alya following Alix. Chloe had been staring at her phone the whole time, most likely sulking about my status here. She walked off to her room grumbling with Sabrina in tow. The rest of the class also went to their rooms after saying they'll see me later, and finally Mrs Bustier left me with a smile. I smiled back and then walked off. 

I smiled nodding at the maids and guards as I walked through the familiar halls that me and Damian used to run through when I finally invited him to China for the first time. I looked out the window putting my hand on the glass as I sighed in nostalgia. How I wish he was here right now, but he'll be here tomorrow. At least he's already prepared for when he arrives. I couldn't wait. We may have called every month for these five years, but I was still worried he wouldn't love me anymore. I turned and walked in the direction of my room.

I walked down the portrait hall to get to my room instead of taking my usual path. I looked at the portraits of all the past Princesses, Princes, Kings, and Queens. I stopped at the portrait of me and Damian that my parents put up a few months before the attack. Both of us had been nervous for the portrait because both of us were worried that our relationship wouldn't last even though the thought of that upset us, but my mother, who was most skilled in magic relating to love, assured us that our love so strong that even years apart wouldn't lessen our love for each other. I took a deep breath as I assured myself that my mother was never wrong and that Damian would still love me. I looked at the portrait of my mom and my aunt's as I smiled, hoping my mother was happy wherever her soul now resided. I turned my eyes away as I felt tears come to my eyes and I walked away.

As I came to my room I frowned at seeing two guards at the door instead of one. Usually most of the guards would be at the end of the hallway and under my balcony and the most trusted by my door as last defense to respect my privacy. I brushed it off as extra protection because of the assassin's and walked in. I stopped a few steps in to take in my room and heard the door close behind me. I thought that the guards had closed it behind me, but then I felt a hand cover my mouth and an arm go around my waist, pinning my arms to my sides and picking me up. My eyes widened if fear as I struggled against the hold. I was almost about to use magic when I heard...

Laughter?! I bit the person's hand and they let me go with an "Ow" that didn't even interrupt their laughter. I spun on my heal in anger.

Mari: "DAMIAN!!" I shouted in anger as I pushed the boy, now man, by his shoulders as he doubled over in laughter. "YOU SCARED ME!!"

I turned to face the side wall, crossing my arms as tears pricked my eyes. Damian's laughter subsided after a few seconds, there was a beat of silence and then he wrapped me up in a side hug, putting his chin on my shoulder. I didn't push him away, but I also didn't hug him back as tears streamed down my cheeks and I just stared at the wall. After a second he wiped my tears away.

Mari: "You scared me." I whispered, "Especially since the last time I was here was before the attack." I glanced at him as his eyes widened in worry, shock, and guilt.

Damian: "I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me. I just wanted to surprise you." He said looking down.

I pulled him into a full hug, burying my face in his chest as I cried for the last five years. He buried his face in my hair and held me tight until I calmed. Then he pulled back, pushing my chin up slightly. He smiled at me.

Damian: "I'll always be here for you. No one will ever touch you again, I promise you that." I smile at him and lean my head against his chest, choosing to stay there for a few minutes.

Mari: "Well, I still need to unpack, and my friends wanted to have a pool party in half an hour, so I need to get ready." I said, pulling away.

Damian: "Your bags were brought in some time ago, so I already took the liberty of putting it all away, except for all the sewing stuff, and I just stacked the clothes in the closet cause I think you'll want to put that away on your own." He told me, gesturing  towards the table with my sewing appliances and the closet.

I nodded, and turned away, about to walk to the closet, when I stopped in my tracks and turned to Damian, just now realizing what he was wearing. I snorted, which turned into giggles as his face turned into one of confusion, which turned into laughter as his face turned red with realization, until I was bent over laughing harder than ever as he rushed to his room to change out of the guards uniform. I was still wiping away tears when he came back, still red. I just shook my head and sighed as I headed to the closet to change into my swimsuit.

Mari: "I am so changing the design of those uniforms. They're horrendous and old." I chuckled, standing at the doorway of the closet.

Damian: "Yes please, I never intend on wearing that again."

Mari: "Does that mean that you were planning on doing something like this again?" I asked with a teasing lilt in my tone.

Damian: "MARI!" Damian yelled, blushing bright red again as I walked into the closet to change, giggling.

I shouldn't have worried, he was still in love with me. No one had ever seen this side of him except me. It was strictly reserved for when we were alone. If there was so much as another person in the room, his demeanor would be completely different. The fact that he was still comfortable with me just showed that he trusted me, and wasn't afraid to hide it. God I love him.

Chinese guard uniforms are dresses. Damian comes from America, while she spent five years in France immersed in the fashion world. Don't tell me you wouldn't laugh too!

Too Be Continued...

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