Chapter 3 - Flight

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Two gunshots, I slam the doors open. There is a man standing there, facing me. Another gunshot. I see myself fall to the ground, but I can't feel anything. Everything goes black. The last thing I see is my parents blank faces staring at me.

I gasp, sitting up in bed, sweating. I look around to find that I'm not dead, that I'm at home, in Paris. I sigh and lie back down. I look at the clock, 4:32. Half an hour before I should have woken up, so no point in going back to sleep. I get up and take a shower, washing away all the sweat from the nightmare. When I got out I pulled on a pink skirt and my usual white floral shirt. I put on dark gray leggings under the skirt and strapped my dagger onto my left thigh. I put my hair up in a low bun so it wouldn't be uncomfortable on the flight, and make it easier to fight if I had to. I looked in the mirror and frowned. I didn't like fighting in skirts. They got in the way, but they were the only way to hide weapons unless I wore an oversized hoodie or shirt. I sighed, maybe I'll just tell the class my cover story on the plane and not hide the dagger at all. No, that just creates complications and I'd rather not rely on them. Suddenly, my eyes sparked with an idea.

I looked at the clock, 6:00. I needed to be at the airport at seven. I had spent the last hour meditating and gathering energy. Nino had already woken up and had our luggage put away into the car, he was listening to music. I cast the permanent cloaking spell on my dagger so I wouldn't need to hold it for too long and went to eat breakfast, gesturing to Nino so he would too. After we were done, Uncle Tom dropped us off at the airport. Part of the class was already there. Including Chloe. Boy was this going to be a long flight.

Alya's POV:

That morning I woke up excited. We were going to China! We were going to meet the princess! This was such a huge opportunity for me! And not only that, but I was going to learn more about my best friend's ethnicity, as her mother is from China. Too bad I wasn't fluent in Mandarin. I'd have to ask Adrien for help. I'd learned a little bit of the language, but not enough. Anyway, we'll see when we get there. I put on my usual orange plaid shirt tied up into a crop top, with baggy sweatpants, as it was going to be a long flight. I put my hair up into a high ponytail, grabbed my bags and went downstairs for breakfast. Nora, my sister, drove me to the airport where Chloe was spouting some nonsense about knowing the princess. But I didn't care. I was too excited for the trip. I really hope Mari won't be late.

Mari and Nino arrived about ten minutes later. Mari was wearing black leggings, a dark gray tank top, black combat boots, which I didn't even know she had (They most likely came from her mother), and a black jacket with gold decor on the sleeves. She looked really cool. Nino came up to me and pecked me on the head, hugging me. Mari helped her dad get the luggage out and they brought it out. A few minutes later everyone else came and Mrs. Bustier did a head count, then started the announcement.

"Everyone, listen up!" Mrs. B clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "The princess sent her private jet for us, so I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. If I am not available or something happens, you listen to Marinette as she is the class president. Now, please follow me." Mrs. B turned and led the class off.

We followed Mrs B outside to a large black jet with the letter M on it. I took a picture and we were led inside. I was shown to one of the rooms along with everyone else. There were four beds in each room and they were set up like train cabins with doors at the front and back of each room leading to the rest of the rooms. Once I finished exploring the room that I shared with Mari, Rose and Julika, I gathered everyone in the main room, which was behind the pilot's cabin.

"Now, We're going to be here for about fourteen hours, and no way in hell will we be staying in our rooms the whole time, so I suggest we play games for a few hours now and sleep later. When we wake up we can do whatever, but for now it would just be dumb not to take advantage of what we have." I announced waving my arms at all the cabinets, the TV and all the games set up around the room.

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