The Wedding

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Okay first of all


I'm getting lazy so beware, this chapter won't be amazing.

Fun fact-while writing '5 years later' I acceidentally wrote '5 yeets later'

Enjoy :3

5 Years Later


The wedding was exactly how Biana had planned.

Ice blue streamers hung from the ceiling and gold glitter was sprinkled all over the floor. Blue and gold roses were everywhere, and the cake was blue and gold as well.

What can I say? Biana was a good wedding planner.

And then there was me.

I was a nervous wreck as Biana finished my hair. What if I messed up? What if I tripped? What if Keefe changed his mind?

What if I tripped?


What if I messed up? What if Grady took back everything he said? What if Sophie changed her mind?

What if Grady took back everything he said?

Time skip because I'm lazy

Foster looked beautiful in her long white dress, as always.


I noticed Keefe staring. I blushed a bit.

He looked handsome. As always.

Okay-let's just pretend I wrote a whole wedding ceremony. It was the most beautiful thing you have ever read. 

"Eeee! You're married!" Biana squealed after all of the ceremonies were over.

"And you didn't trip," Dex added with a smirk.

"Thank god I didn't trip." I sighed, still surprised that neither of us messed up.

"Thank god Grady didn't take it back," Keefe said, "He still scares me."

"Of course he does," Fairen snickered, "He's Grady."

I honestly didn't expect Fairen to come. She was always busy with her job, and we had never really become super close friends. Fitz didn't come, though. He was really busy and he was sorry about it. I didn't mind. We weren't really friends after Valentine's Day. 

We talked for a while, and then Keefe brought me outside alone.

"So, is my last name Foster, or is your last name Sencen?"

I laughed. "Keefe, we've talked this over a million times. My last name is Sencen, and so is yours."

"Oh." Keefe mumbled, "That's going to take a lot to getting used too."

I smirked and elbowed him, "I can't believe I'm going to have to be with you most of the time. Oh, the horror, I believe I will die of all the horrible jokes."

"Hey! My jokes aren't that bad."

"Oh, yes they are." And I kissed him.

My best friend, my soulmate, my husband.

And that was all she wrote.


I'm sorry I had to put that last part in.

It makes da story seem cOmPlEtE

This is da last chapterrrrrr

If there are any blank holes just tell me and I might add another chapter.

But I hope you enjoyeddddd

Have an amazing day!

-Hemispherical Turtle

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