Sophie Foster

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2 days before Sophie's 16th Birthday, 4 Days before Valentine's Day

"Hmm... I dare you... to climb that tree!" Fitz declared. Oh, come on.Why did I have to choose dare?

"Fine-but you need to help me up!" I scowled, walking over to the tallest tree there.

He lifted me onto the first branch by the feet, and I made my way up. Then I made the mistake of looking down.

I was so.



My breath got faster.




I decided to make my way down.

"Hey! That's not high enough." Fitz complained with a smile. I rolled my eyes, in order to hide my fear of falling.

I climbed higher.



And I looked down-again. Didn't I learn my lesson last time?

"Foster? You need help?" Keefe called from down below.

I nodded rapidly. He tried to get up but he couldn't reach the branch. But Fitz could.

He was, by far, the tallest out of all of us.

He got up to me and helped me down, branch by branch, when he randomly said, "You're cute. By the way."

I blushed furiously. "You are too."

"Maybe we should get to know each other more?" Fitz suggested, only making my face redder as we went down another branch.

"Yeah-that would be nice."

That would be nice?

Ugh. I sound like an old lady.

We made our way down the rest of the way in silence. When I got down, I sighed in relief and flopped onto the nice, soft grass.

Fairen laughed. "Good to be on the ground, huh?"

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "You can't exactly BLAME me. That was too high up! Fairen, Truth or Dare?"

Biana started cracking up for the fourth time when Micheal Scott ran in with the mannequins in bikinis. I joined in.

"COME FLOAT TOO!" Keefe screamed from the other room.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled in response.

Hours later I heard The Shining being put on. Me and Biana glanced at each other.

"Oh, we are totally pranking them." We declared in unison.

We ran into the kitchen were Dex's mom was cleaning.

"Mrs. Dizznee? Do you have an axe we can ruin Dex's bedroom door with?" Biana asked in a sweet voice.

Mrs. Dizznee's eyes widened. "Why?"

"We wanna prank them. They're watching the shining." I explained.

"Alright... there's one in the garage..." Mrs. Dizznee laughed and shook her head as we ran into the garage.

"I call dibs on breaking it!" Biana squealed.

"I call dibs on yelling 'IT'S JOHNNY'!" I grabbed the axe off the wall(don't ask. please, don't ask) and ran inside, Biana on my tail.

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