Sophie Foster

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I kept my promise and met Biana in front of the Starbucks. I wore a Star Wars sweatshirt and jean shorts and white converse, while she wore a tight white crop-top with a blue butterfly in the center and spaghetti straps, short jean shorts and heels.

"Hiiiii!" She squealed, coming over, "So, first we go to Kohls..." 

She listed a bunch of stores and I just nodded as she went on. And on. And on.

"Alright, let's go!" She grabbed my arm and tugged me up to the second level. Me, being the clumsy idiot that I am, crashed right into someone.

"Sorry," I mumbled, flustered.

"It's alright." it was a girl around my age, with neck-length blue and purple hair, freckles and green eyes. She held out her hand and helped me up, "We both weren't looking where we were going."

I laughed, "I'm a clutz. Sorry about that."

"You don't have to say sorry twice," She snickered, "I'm Fairen-you should catch up to your friend there before you lose her," She pointed to Biana, who hadn't even stopped.

"I'm Sophie." I smiled and waved goodbye, rushing to catch up to Biana. "Hey. You left me."

"Oh-sorry-but we need to hurry! We only have-"

"Ten days?"

"Yes! Exactly!"

I rolled my eyes but chased after her. We ran into Target(I thought she said we were going to Kohls?) and there were a bunch of flowers on display.

"We need roses-yes, pink roses. And red ones, too! Yes!"

"I'll go grab a cart," I sighed, walking off. I saw Keefe and Dex, my other friends, coming into the store. I waved to them and Keefe went pale but waved back. They whispered something to the other. I ignored it and grabbed and cart, walking back to Biana.

She placed three bouquets of flowers into the cart, and we got a couple of other decorations. Biana insisted on getting boxed chocolates('for show', as she said), and I saw Keefe looking at them.

I shrugged it off. Whatever. I grabbed a few and put them into the cart.

"Okay, now Forever 21-"

"FOREVER 21!?" I blurted out, a little to loud. That was the store of my nightmares. All the crop tops and short shorts. I shuddered.

"Chill-they have some cute dresses." Biana scoffed.

"yeah, that are way above my knee!"

"Oh, chill out, Soph, live a little!" Biana elbowed me, "Now let's go."

We payed for everything and Biana dragged me away to Hell-AKA Forever 21. There was a red dress that Biana chose for me, it was knee length so I was okay with it. But it had two parts... but it was also the only one I liked.

We picked up a couple more decorations and went back to her house. We would be using her basement, which was a mess.

We started cleaning it out and Biana's little sister, Jayleen, decide to come help. She was 13 and already had a boyfriend. Biana relentlessly teased me about how a 13 year old got a boyfriend before I did.

We had cleared out all the boxes(which had taken a very long time) and had just begun to vacuum when I got a call from my adoptive mom, Edaline.

"Hi Mom. What's up?" I asked.

"There was an emergency at work, me and Grady need to stay overnight. You'll stay at Biana's. Grady's dropping your things off now." Edaline explained.

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow, alright? Love you, Sophie."

"Okay-bye Mom. Love you too."

"What was that all about?" Biana asked.

"I'm staying here tonight, apparently."



Biana and Fitz are related in this, they're just cousins. She has a sister instead(Jayleen). 

Fairen is one of my OCs, and she'll be in the story a lot more(*cough* as Fitz's sister *cough*).

Have an amazing day!

-Hemispherical Turtle

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