💥💔💥Chapter 1💥💔💥

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A green-haired, green-eyed omega male walked down the streets of the Bakudan kingdom. Most male omega's would love the attention they'd get when alpha's flirted and begged them for their hand in marriage, but this one, this one was different.

"Omega~!" A male tried to coax the omega. He looked towards the man, and looked to his feet. No alpha had taken the time to ask him if he was okay, or if he needed any help. No, instead the alpha's and even some Beta's just stared at him, and his omegan body. They didn't look to the multiple bruises that littered his skin or even the collar that had a long chain attached to it, or even the fact that the clothes the omega wore were in fact ripped.

He felt every rock and dirty material under his exposed feet. The tear stain streaks were probably the only clean part of the omega. It was obvious to almost all that saw him that he was a used omega.

He stumbled and tripped on nothing but continued his journey. He wanted to see his mom again... no he needed to see his mom again. What he didn't notice was the group of alpha's behind him. He walked into an alley-way. The omega was close to giving up but he just couldn't, he wanted to see his mom before... before they got him.

He turned around and was greeted by the group of alpha's. "H-Hello?" The omega questioned as he tried to pass them, but his arm was grabbed by one of the alpha's.

"Why don't you stay and have fun with us little omega?" The omega pulled his arm away from the alpha, and ran. He could see the alley way start to end when suddenly he was choked. He landed on the ground mentally cursing at the chain. The omega looked out into the street, screaming and fighting off the alpha's he hoped someone would just look over, and help him.

But... no matter how many people saw the omega struggles they didn't come to the omega's rescue.


The prince walked on the streets Bakudan, his kingdom. In all honesty he wasn't supposed to be walking like the average commoner, he was supposed to be choosing a mate, one that would give him the offspring he needed.

His red cape moved along with his speed and the wind. His bare chest was exposed to the world, leaving most female omega's and even some of the betas' blushing. His boots crushed all the objects underneath it as he stomped. He continued his walk through-out the town, until he came across an alley-way.

He heard someone yelling. The voice was not one of an alpha yet it sounded stern. He turned towards the alley-way to see an omega fighting off not one not two but 5 alpha's.

The prince alpha stood there for a moment. Watching as the omega successfully throw and land punches on the alpha's. But one alpha pulled out a weird looking needle from the bag he had with him. Before the prince could react the alpha stabbed the needle into the neck of the omega.

The prince who had watched it all gone down, reacted only when he heard the heartbreaking scream from the omega. There was a crackle-like sound from the alpha's palms. The omega looked over to the alpha, and covered his body. When he reopened his eyes the previous alpha's were on the ground unconscious. He looked up to the other alpha, who was wiping the littlest bit of sweat from his brow. The alpha looked down to the omega, their eyes met for a second. The alpha smirked at the scared omega, but the smell of dominant pheromones only made the omega cower more.

'Is this alpha like the others? Is he going to hurt me like they did?'

The alpha smelled the heavy amount of scared pheromones the omega was giving. "Oi, stop that. I'm not going to hurt you."

The omega didn't look at him. He needed to find his mother, he knew he didn't have much time left before they retrieved him, after all he was their favorite play-toy. The omega stood up, and began walking out of the alley-way. The alpha yelled from behind him, but the omega didn't care. All he could think about was his mom, she must have been so scared... that was if they hadn't already killed her.

The omega fell to the ground, and whimpered. "Oi are you stupid?! You're hurt!" The omega looked up to the alpha, and began to army-crawl. "OI!"

The omega began crying. "I need to... keep moving... I need to... see mom... before they... find me." The omega continued to move.

The alpha rolled his eyes yet still made the movement to grab the omega. "If you tell me you and your mother's name I'll have some guards find her."

The omega looked at the alpha, surprised by his kindess. But if he had learned anything from them it was to never trust an alpha... but- "I-I'm Izuku Midoryia... M-my mom's n-name is I-Inko Midoryia."

The alpha nodded, and began his travels to his castle. 

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