💥💔💥Chapter 15💥💔💥

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Katsuki groaned as he stood up. "We have to get him back."

Mitsuki was the first to speak. "Katsuki sweetie... your wound hasn't healed yet. We'll send a few of our best knights to look for the Princes, and Izuku." 

Katsuki looked into his mother's eyes. "I'm not going to sit here while Izuku's out there. I won't rest until he's back home in my arms." He growled.


Izuku was weak. His back was coated in dried blood, tears soaked his cheeks as he thought about his friends and alpha. Was Kirishima okay? He wouldn't die right?

Was Katsuki okay... he got the medical treatment he needed- "Hey there Princess." Izuku looked towards Dabi. "Now are we going to behave today?"

Izuku growled towards the alpha. "When my alpha comes to save me he's going to tear you disgusting alpha's limb from limb." 

Dabi laughed at the omega chained to the walls. "Are you so sure about that?"

Izuku laughed. "Why wouldn't I be." 

Shigaraki took a step out of the dark and tossed something at Izuku's head. "He's dead." 

Izuku looked towards Shigarki, a painful expression following soon after looking to the piece of pelt Katsuki Bakugou had on his cape. Izuku fought against his chains to get the blood stained piece while sobbing. 

His head fell as he realized... he didn't save his alpha.

He was the reason his alpha was dead.

He killed his alpha.

"I'm sorry Kaachan... I- I'm so sorry." He whispered before finally giving up.


Katsuki paced back and forth as he waited for news on the princes location. It had been 3 months, and no news was good news. 

One of the knights opened the door hesitantly... he knew he wasn't going to get good news.  The knight bowed before him before stuttering out the words. "No one in the kingdom's have seen the Princes since they kidnapped your mate sire." 

Katsuki growled. "Find him. Turn every one of those disgusting illegal omegan shops. Look in every abandoned location. Don't stop until he is found." 

The knight nodded and left Katsuki alone. Katsuki looked outside his window trying his hardest to think about every conversation he had with Izuku... but none of them were about his capturers where he had run from... nothing. The other omega's who had known Izuku during his kidnapping couldn't remember the place very well... so they couldn't help. 

He paced back and forth once more.  The door open once more, he turned quickly towards it to see his friend standing there. Mina held him up straight, as he struggled to walk towards Bakugou. "Hey... how are you feeling Bakubro?" 

Katsuki looked down. "Anxious... angry... and above all scared." He looked at his friend. 

Kirishima looked away from the Alpha, guilt setting into his very being. "I'm sorry." 

"It's not your fault." Katsuki said as he looked out the window, half expecting to see Izuku running towards the castle, yet no such luck would come that easily. 

Kirishima spoke suddenly. "I alpha commanded him... to... to stay. H-He was in that situation because of me." 

Katsuki spun around quickly. He couldn't control his anger. "What do you f**king mean?!" He slammed his fist into a wall. "I know I told everyone that alpha commands on him would result in punishment." 

Kirishima looked off. "I-I thought it help him... because he... he grabbed one of your daggers and cut his wrist."

Katsuki paused before his face lit up. "You mean you have Izuku's blood on one of my daggers?!"  Kirishima looked back at Katsuki with shock waiting for Katsuki to finish his brilliant idea. "Get the tracker!" He yelled before running. "We leave at dawn!" 

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