💥💔💥Chapter 6💥💔💥

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Katsuki found himself with all his mated friends telling them things he'd rather keep a secret. Iida and Ochaco gave each other looks as if telling the other this wasn't a good idea. Kirishima and Ashido on the other hand were grinning and nodding, obviously knowing what he didn't. Denki was crouched over... while Shinso tried to console him. His parents gave each other a look he didn't recognized... pride... maybe happiness?

Katsuki looked to the group. "What does it all mean?"

Kirishima beamed at his friend. "I think you just found your mate." Mitsuki, his mother, and Maseru, his father, all agreed with a nod.

Iida looked towards Kirishima and the king and queen. "I don't believe it's a good idea to force Katsuki on the omega though... he seems-"

Denki looked up. "He won't be able to handle it! He's... he's scared of alpha's! Forcing him into a relationship this early on will destroy him!!" Ochaco nodded.

Mina looked to the other two omegas'. "Maybe if you guys give us a description we can capture the alphas that took him? So he'll feel safer?"

"We don't remember their looks.... unlike Zuku our memories weren't as... traumatic." Denki whispered as he cuddled into his alpha.

Mitsuki stood up. "I'll return soon. Please continue this conversation without me." She said with a grin plastered on her face. She walked to her son's room. She opened the door to see a green haired omega curled up in a ball panicking.

"I'm not there. I'm not there. I'm not there." the omega whispered over and over again. Mitsuki walked over to the omega, wearing a kind soft smile on her face,

"Do you want to see Katsuki?" She questioned.

The omega nodded. As soon as their eyes met Mitsuki recognized him. "I-Izuku Midoryia?!"

"Y-yes?" The omega began to feel even more nervous with the woman's reaction.

Mitsuki hugged him. "DOES YOUR MOM KNOW YOUR HERE?!" She began to race around. "I HAVE TO TELL HER!"

Katsuki ran into his room to see a cowering omega and his mother racing around the room.

"LAY OFF YOU'RE SCARING HIM!" He yelled as he ran to the omega.

He looked closely at his mom. "DID YOU TELL INKO HE'S HERE?!"

He nodded. "She's in her heat, her husband informed the knights that they'd come for him after." Katsuki looked towards Izuku. "If you want to go."

He shook his head, and moved his hands to his ear. Tears fell down so quickly. "I-I... T-they..." Mitsuki merely stared at the boy.

"They... took you from there didn't they?" She questioned.

More tears streamed down his face as he nodded. Katsuki felt his heart crush itself into a million pieces. Home was supposed to be an omega's safe place... how could they take that away from him? The omega cuddled closer to the alpha as Katsuki's mom mumbled. Mitsuki stopped moving and turned towards the boys. "Okay! I got it!" Katsuki tilted his head but didn't dare speak, he knew his mother would probably hit him on the head like she usually did. "Izuku do you feel safe with my son?" She asked.

"I-I guess so... I mean... he doesn't make me feel... unsafe?" The omega managed to stutter out.

"WELL THAT SETTLES IT!" She had a grin that went ear to ear. "You will be my son's mate!"

The omega was silent. "You'll get the protection you need, you can stop those evil alphas' from doing whatever they were doing, and my son will get a mate! It's a win win!"

The omega looked down at his hands. "H-he... won't want me..." The alpha suddenly panicked. But he didn't know what to say as the omega looked towards his mother. "M-may I talk to y-your mom alone?" He whispered. Katsuki nodded and walked into the hallway.

The omega looked down. His face read shame as he whispered to the woman. "I-I'm a... a...." He pulled down his shirt just a smidge. "U-Used o-omega." The beta gasped as she stared at the U shaped scar. Tears streamed down her face, "Those monsters."

It was the job of the omega's parents to mark an used omega. Usually the mark would be small, and hardly noticeable, and in a place an alpha wouldn't see. After all the parents wanted their offspring to have a family of their own. But that was almost impossible for Izuku... the mark was on his chest, it was as big as the woman's hand, it dug into his skin and scarred terribly.

"T-they did that as s-soon as they-" He didn't want to remember but even mentioning what they had done... brought up the terrible memories. He covered his ears hearing their voice's once more, he was in the room tears streaming down his face. "NOT AGAIN NO PLEASE! NOT AGAIN!" He screamed, crumbling into a ball.

Katsuki sprinted inside, looking towards his crying omega he held him close. "It's okay Deku! I got you!" Katsuki whispered to the shaking omega. He held him closely until the omega passed out.

"What happened?" He questioned his now tear stained mother.

"I-He... he told me... something." His mother said vaguely. The alpha glared towards his mother. "He'll tell you when he's ready." She whispered, as she walked out the door.

Katsuki laid down beside his omega. His heart hammered against his chest, this omega was going to be the death of him. He sighed and looked at the omegas' face as he slept, "I'll protect you." He whispered as he quickly fell asleep.

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