💥💔💥Chapter 4💥💔💥

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The next morning Katsuki tried to wipe the sleepiness from his eyes as he continued his kingly duties. He didn't know why he felt the need to comfort the omega but he did. He wanted to research it... to do something to understand why he felt the need to help the omega... was it because he could tell the omega was hurt? Or that he was "broken"? or the fact that he had fought off those alpha's for as long as he did? He had no clue. His thoughts were soon captivated by the little green-haired omega. So much so that he stopped all his work as was staring into space. "Bakubro! Earth to Bakubro!"

Katsuki snapped back to reality. "What is it Kirishima?"

"Are you hungry?" His friend questioned.

Kirishima was Bakugou's best friend, as an alpha, both the prince and himself knew there was no way they could even attempt dating let alone be mates. And honestly he was very thankful, it made their relationship less complicated in the early years of their friendship. He was mated to Mina Ashido, and had 1 beautiful baby boy. Yet it seemed he had more sleep than Bakugou had last night."Sure." Katsuki mumbled.

Kirishima opened the door and yelled down the hallway asking for food for the prince. Fifteen minutes had passed and Kirishima walked towards the door, ready to yell once again for the food, but as he opened the door he saw 3 omegas. He knew 2 of them, they were his mates close friends after all but the 3rd one... he was new. He was trembling, "I-I have the food f-for Kaachan, A-alpha." He stuttered. Kirishima moved out the way as the three omega's walked towards the desk. "T-thank you for your kindness a-alpha." He whispered to Kirishima.

He set down the food. "Y-your food a-alpha." He sat down beside the table earning a side look from Katsuki.

"Z-zuku!" Ochaco grabbed him. "You're not there sweetie." She whispered lifting him up but Katsuki heard the female omega.

Denki's face turned grim. "Y-yeah you're fine now."

Both the alpha's noticed that the omega's were acting different around Izuku. Curiosity seeped into the alpha's beings, they wanted to know everything but looking towards the frail omega they pushed their curiosity down except Katsuki couldn't stop himself from questioning the omega. "What are you doing?" Katsuki asked looking towards the omega.

The omega looked towards the alpha. "I-I'm waiting for your next command a-alpha." He stuttered keeping his head down.

Kirishima and Katsuki looked to one another. "What do you mean?" Katsuki asked.

Denki growled to the prince. "Don't ask him that."

Izuku answered the alpha. "I-I have been trained to-"Denki slapped his hand onto Izuku's mouth. Izuku looked fearful and screamed at him. Denki removed his hand and stared at him. Izuku trembled in the corner as he tried to calm himself down. "I'm not there I'm not there I'm not there I'm not there." Both Denki, and Ochaco looked guilty, and sad as they walked towards him.

"S-sorry." Izuku murmured as he stood and walked towards the prince who sat staring. "D-do you need me a-alpha?" The prince shook his head and Izuku took his leave. Izuku ran into a random room crashing onto the floor tears streamed down his face as he shook. He covered his ears as he heard their voices.

He was alone... and that's all he'd ever have to know he was alive... that empty hole in his heart reminded him that he was still suffering, even without the help of his capturers he was still tortured. Tears his the floor as he wondered, would he ever be truly happy?


Katsuki looked towards the omega's in front of him. Denki someone who usually would be smiling and laughing looked as if he was being tortured, and the female omega beside him wore a look similar to the stupid blonde. "What's the matter with you omegas?" Katsuki growled.

The omega's looked towards the prince tears threated to spill from their usually bright eyes. "huh?"

The omega's didn't seem to answer to the prince but whispered to one another. Katsuki only caught bits and pieces of their conversation.

"He-he's like this because of us-"

"What did they do to him?-"

"Do you think they-"

"OI WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?! HOW CAN I... help?" Katsuki questioned.

Everyone in the room stared towards the unmated alpha... did he just ask them how he could help?

No one responded. Katsuki decided then and there that his work could wait. He had no clue what that omega was doing, and for some reason it made his gut bubble up. He wanted to know what he was feeling but... that could wait. He opened every single door until he saw the omega crying on the ground.

"Please... please stop! Hurts! PLEASE STOP!" The omega screamed curling up into a ball screaming with his eyes closed, his hands wrapped around his tiny ears. Tears successfully staining his beautiful freckles.

The alpha ran beside him gently placing his hands on the back of the omega, trying his best to calm him down. Soon enough the omega's cries stopped as he stilled, his eyes closed. The alpha could feel the omega's pain... he let his thoughts wonder, but all his thoughts would return to the broken omega in his arms.

No matter how hard the alpha tried... he felt as if he'd never be able to break Izuku from the chains of his past. 

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