💥💔💥Chapter 7💥💔💥

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The alpha watched the omega as he walked with his parents in their garden. Katsuki smiled as the omega ran over towards him, placing a flower crown on his head. Mitsuki and her alpha Maseru beamed with pride. Izuku giggled to the alpha. "You look cute Kaachan." 

Katsuki smiled to the omega. "Not as cute as you...." Then it hit him. "I'M NOT CUTE!" Izuku giggled and hid behind a tree. "Deku!"

This continued on until- "ZUKU?! MY BABY?" Inko screamed running towards the green haired omega. 

Izuku's head whipped towards the woman, as heavy tears trailed down his face. "Mom?"

 She wrapped her arms around him. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." 

He hugged her back. "I-I'm fine Mom." A blonde man came walking from the direction Inko came from a gentle smile played on his face as he looked onto the beautiful reunion. Bakugou growled towards him, while his parents greeted him. Mitsuki, his mother, and Maseru, his father were shocked as he walked towards Izuku who shook like a leaf. 

"Izuku?" His father, the great all might, questioned as he reached out for his son. "Are you-" 

Izuku yelped as he fell to the ground. Bakugou grabbed onto the shaking omega. "It's okay... I promise. It's just your dad remember?" He whispered as he tried to calm the frightened omega. 

Izuku looked towards the alpha. "I-I can't..." 

"Can't what De- Izuku?" He questioned. 

"I can't remember him." Izuku whispered to Katsuki. 

The older alpha looked broken as his son, the one that his wife and him had searched for 10 years to find said he couldn't remember his own father. "I'm sorry." He whispered before hiding his face in Katsuki's chest. 

Izuku's father smiled. "It's okay." He sat down far enough that he wouldn't trigger the omega but close enough that he could see the omega's face. "We... we can work on this." He smiled. 

Izuku nodded as he reached for his mother's hand... and his father's hand, they both clasped onto his hand as they gave sad smiles. 

Izuku smiled to Katsuki. "Could I talk to my mom... alone?" 

Katsuki smiled as him and his parents walked further into the garden... but the alpha couldn't keep his eyes off of his omega. 


Izuku looked down to his hands, he wasn't mentally prepared to tell his mother anything that had happened to him with those monsters. And in all actuality he wanted to keep it that way... he wanted to hid his shame... his embarrassment. He tried so hard to hid his mark... but he couldn't hid it from her. He wanted to explain... all of it. Why he couldn't be around alpha's why he just couldn't bear being alone, why he was so afraid of being recaptured... and why he was so afraid of having his own children. 

He took a shaky breath as he looked towards his mother. "I..." He paused before looking in her eyes. "I've..." He looked down... Would he disappoint his mother if he told her just what he had to go through? Would she never want to talk to him again? 

Inko placed her hand on her son's shoulder. "Whatever you need to tell me... I won't love you any less." She said with a smile. "Afterall you are my baby." 

Tears traced down his face. "Mom... I'm a used omega." 

Her face read one of true terror as she stared at her son. "You mean... they-" She stopped, because just by looking at her sons face... she could tell the answer already. "W-where did they mark you?" she whispered as tears fell down her soft face. 

He shook his head. "H-He's watching." 

Inko looked over to see Bakugou standing there watching as his omega sobbed. She could tell that he wanted to race towards him and capture the small omega  in his arms. Telling him that there was nothing more the alpha wanted to do than protect him. 

Inko hugged her son once more, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry honey. If I hadn't left-" 

Izuku shook his head. "It's okay mom. There is a lot of ifs... but it's in the past." He gave a sad smile. "You can't change it." 

She nodded but didn't try to leave the embrace. Her husband and the royal family walked to her, giving her a small smile before she looked towards her son. 

"When will your next heat be?" She questioned. 

Katsuki looked at the omega curious to what his answer might be. 

Izuku looked down obviously embarrassed. "I... I haven't had a normal heat cycle yet mom..." Izuku smiled. "So I haven't a clue." He whispered. 

His mother looked at him worriedly. Mitsuki smiled to her old friend. "It'll be okay. I'll have a room prepared for him-" 

Katsuki growled. "I'll be with him as well." Izuku looked over to the alpha. "Not a godd***ed person will touch you during your heat I swear. And to make sure of it... I'll be with him, and while I work... Shinso, Denki, Tenya, and Ochaco will be with him protecting him. " His mom looked to him with a face that could only be described as pure shock. "I will protect him. I swear." He growled.

Inko looked to him surprised but her surprise quickly turned into a smile. She was just like her husband... Izuku's step-father. Willing to love her even if she was used... willing to stand with her as she gave birth to her precious Izuku... willing to be his father even he wasn't his true son. 

She placed her hand on Katsuki's. "Please protect him..." She whispered as she gave him a teary smile. 

Her little baby wasn't a baby anymore much to her dismay... he was an adult... an adult that had found his fated mate..

She smiled to her husband, as she walked away. She couldn't wait to see what their precious grandchildren would look like.

*SAD ANNOUNCEMENT!!! You know those cool photos at the top... you might have noticed that it wasn't in this chapter... I've had them all prepared but for some reason my computer won't save them so I CAN'T PUT THEM ON THIS STORY, Or any story for that fact. In all honesty it makes me SUPER upset, but I've been trying to work on this problem for the past week... The story will continue but I can't put the photos on until whatever is happening to my computer stops! Thank you for the love, and just an FYI @GhostninjaX, @shari_berry, & @iamdamged_fartoo I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS!!! They literally made my day!!!! Xoxo MadHero!!!*

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