"I am one of those guys. I crush Easily"

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By Sareru on a03

After Lydia, Stiles had been in love with every other person that crossed his path. He was crushing easily, giving in to the feeling easily, with little hope. Most times he was lucky though.

They were interesting boys and girls, all with unusual talents, intelligent, with a special aura circling around them. He was falling in love with their smiles, the way they liked to touch others, the soft voices. And he could honestly say that he loved each and every one of them. He didn't even fall out of love with them. But he was restless. He knew he was searching for something he hadn't found yet, and so he took every chance he could get at finding it.

That was, until he returned to Beacon Hills after he'd given up his first job since college.

It was time had frozen in this little place. The houses still looked the same, here and there a tree or bush was missing or a mail box displaced. His father was still the sheriff, Scott's mom being the good soul in the hospital she worked in.

The Argents had moved on into another town far from here, searching for other supernatural beings threatening the lives of innocent humans.

The coach was still teaching at Stiles' old high school, and he was still being his noisy self.

The pack though, was gone and spread throughout the whole country.

Allison was with her father, being the new and just leader of the team of hunters.

Scott was still nearby, but now worked as a fisherman. Everybody was surprised at that, to be totally honest, but then again this was Scott. He liked being unpredictable.

Isaac was becoming a veterinary and worked as a bartender on the weekends.

Erica and Boyd had decided to travel the world and by now they were someplace far, far away. Every now and then Peter would visit them.

Lydia was a scientist and Jackson a manager at a small IT company. They were now 5 months married. Everyone was surprised at the big news 4 weeks before the wedding, but then again they were not really. The two had fought their way back together and were inseparable ever since. Rumor had it Lydia was also pregnant but didn't want to tell them yet because the first three months were the riskiest.

And then there was Derek.

Derek... had not changed the slightest bit. He still wore his old leather jacket. He still drove the black camaro. He still lived in the Hale house (though he and Peter had renovated the whole house and now it almost looked as if nothing had ever happened all those years ago).

He was still lonely.

Stiles met him when he was roaming the streets during one of his sleepless nights after having the most unhealthy dinner he had had with his dad in years. It was also actually the first dinner he had had with his dad in years.

"Stiles," Derek simply said after looking at him for a moment. Gosh, it was as if he looked right at Stiles' soul.


With everyone else it was this usual mix of "Hi"s, "How are you"s, a bit of small talk and then quick "Good bye"s. But Derek was giving off his usual, quiet vibe that made it hard for people to have a proper conversation with him.

"You look... good. Seems like you eat well," Derek muttered, a bit faster than Stiles was used to. "I mean... you're not fat, but... you don't look like a stick figure any more."

"Oh, yeah, thanks... I guess. Bought a couple of cookbooks, watched a few TV shows about cooking. I had a lot of time at my hands."

Awkward silence.

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