The Man He Didn't Have To Be (part 2)

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By: DereksGirl24

They follow the nurse into the room where a young woman -who Stiles assumes is Laura- is sleeping, a blonde woman sitting by her bed, resting her head on Laura's hand, looks up and smiles. Stiles notices from the small bags under her eyes that she didn't get enough sleep and she’s been just as anxious as everyone else in the room, maybe even more “She gave birth to a healthy baby boy.” she says by way of greeting, “Laura named him Derek.”

Derek mouth falls open in disbelief as a small smile starts to make its way onto his mouth in a fond expression, “She named him after me?”

The blonde woman smiles, a soft expression and nods up at him, “Yeah, she did, Derek Jeffrey Hale.”

“That’s so wonderful, how is Laura?” Sarah asks making her way across the small room to hold her daughters hand soothingly,

“She’s a bit tired but she will be more than happy to see you guys when she wakes up.” Says the blonde

Stiles feels a tug from where he was standing near the door and looks down to see James with big eyes looking up at him expectantly “Daddy can I see the baby?”

“I don’t know, ask Derek.” Stiles responds reassuringly and nudges him toward where Derek is standing by his sisters sleeping form. James all but runs over to Derek and tugs on his shirt. Derek looks down at him at holds onto his hand, giving it a little squeeze.

“Can we go see the baby?” James asks, then adds “Daddy says we can if you say yes.”, Derek chuckled at James while picking him up, Derek looks at James from his place in his arms and says “Ok let’s go see the baby.”

Down the hall, by the nursery window, all three men, Derek, Stiles and James are looking into the room towards baby Derek

“Which one is it?” James asks staring at all the cribs as if the one there looking for will pop out and reveal to him “That one in the blue blanket with his hand in his mouth.” Derek answers and points in the direction of the baby James smiles bright when he sees him, and asks “Daddy can we have a baby like him? He pretty.”

Derek startles and looks over to Stiles who has a shocked expression on his face from where James just brought up making a family with the two of them, he chuckles, and says “Yeah he is pretty, but how about we leave that conversation for later.”

James yawns and snuggles into Derek and says, “Yeah, ok,” then he rests his head on Derek's shoulder. Derek looks at him and asks “You tired there bud?” James nods and yawns again. This snaps Stiles out of his shocked state, he looks over at Derek to see him smiling at the idea of having more kids, a small smile starts to play on his lips when he asks, “James you want to go home and go to sleep?”

“No daddy.” James mumbles “Sleep here.” The sound muffled by Derek's shoulder, he smirks at that and looks over to Stiles “I don’t mind holding him while he sleeps.”

Nodding, Stiles smiles sheepishly and turns to head back to the room with Derek close behind with his free hand on the lower part of Stiles' back providing a close comfort to his mate. When they get back, Derek notices that someone set up the chair as a bed and walks over to lays James down in it, then covers him with the blanket.

Jeffrey walks over to where Stiles is standing and says, “Hello Stiles, how are you feeling about our earlier conversation?”

Stiles smiles at him, “I agree with what you said. I realized earlier you were right about Derek.”

Jeffrey smiles, “I'm glad you did, what made you realize?”

“Well it may have had something to do with cookies and milk but I’m fairly sure it has something to do with love, James told Derek he loved him and he replied with I love you too, which if my baby boy can take the risk, why can’t I?.” Stiles says smiling.

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