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By: monkeyhihji

Summary; It was supposed to only be a one time thing; Stiles needed someone to pretend to be his boyfriend for one evening so he asked Derek. Now, both of them found each other asking the other for small favors while pretending to still be boyfriends for certain friends and family. It's only a matter of time before fake feelings start to develop into something real.

Work Text;



Please, please, please, please answer, Stiles pleaded in his mind as the trilling of the phone rang in his ear. If he didn’t answer, Stiles was going to be in a major disaster. Well, not major, but getting caught in lie could sometimes equivocate to a disaster. It wasn’t like he had meant to lie anyway, it just sort of happened and now he had to call the person he least expected would help him.  


“What?” A very groggy sounding Derek Hale responded from the other end. 

“Heeeey, Derek.” Stiles tried sounding less annoying than normal, which of course made him sound more annoying. 

“Stiles? Is everything alright? Who’s hurt!?” 

He tried not to think too much about the guilt he felt about waking up the werewolf, “Woah, calm down there, buddy. Everyone is perfectly fine. I actually, uh, need a favor.”

“A favor.” Derek repeated. It should be illegal to sound that adorable when half asleep, “What time is it?” 

“Don’t worry about that! It--” 

“You woke me up at one in the morning to ask me a favor ?” Derek’s voice sounded very unimpressed coming through the small phone speaker. 

Stiles winced, “Good morning?” Technically, it was four in the morning for him.

There was a heavy sigh and the sound of rustling, “Goodbye, Stiles.” 

“Nononono! I need you to date me!” Fuck. Stiles was thankful that Derek couldn’t see how red he had just turned. “But not really date me. I need a fake date and it has to be you.” Oh god. That didn’t sound right. He was going about this all wrong. “I sorta kinda told some of my buddies that I have a boyfriend back home and they didn’t believe me and one thing led to another and I told them we were dating.” 

There was a long silence and Stiles could hear his heart threatening to beat out of his chest. Could werewolves hear hearts over the phone? He couldn't even hear breathing from Derek and he started panicking even more. 

“There’s this asshole, Jake, and he keeps asking me out despite me constantly saying no. And now I understand how Lydia felt because it’s really annoying having someone constantly fawn over you. Although, he's creepy about it. So me and some friends were all hanging out in my dorm and he asked me to this Oktoberfest Carnival coming to town next week and I told him I have a boyfriend just to get him off my back.” Stiles was aware he was rambling, but at this point in the morning he was sleep deprived and two wrong sentences away from having a mild panic attack. 

“He asked who I was dating and I just started describing some random guy and then my other friend, Marley, pointed to a picture of the Pack I have on my desk and she asked if it was you. So I panicked and said yes.” He most definitely left out the part where Marley called Derek an absolute sex god and Jake saying that he was too hot to be dating Stiles.  

Stiles flopped down on his bed and waited for Derek to say anything. He was just starting to think the guy had fallen back asleep before he spoke up. “So you want me to go to this carnival with you to prove to this creepy guy that we’re dating?” 

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