I Can Be Your Hero

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By; lucianowriter on a03

Derek is a single father, and he is struggling. When his son's teacher decides to step in and help, will Derek go along with it?

Work Text:

Derek knew they were going to be late. It was already 8:15 and Jack still hadn't finished getting dressed. It was always like this on Mondays. Especially Monday's after Jack’s mom, Kate, failed to show up for a visit like she promised.

If someone had told Derek 7 years ago that a child was soon going to arrive and change his world he would've called them crazy. However, now that Jack was here he wouldn't change things for the world. Jack was everything he needed but didn't realize he did.

“Jack, buddy, we gotta go! You are gonna be late for school and I'm already late for work!” Derek yells towards the back of the apartment.

“Daddy! I'm coming!” Jack huffs as he comes into the kitchen with his backpack slung over one shoulder and his cardigan sweater hanging loose off his left shoulder. His shoes were on but untied.

Derek sighs and motions for his son to sit on the chair and eat his toast. Then Derek squats down and ties Jack’s shoes. The thing he loves most about Jack is his insistence on wearing clothes you'd find at a special event every day of his life. The kid was definitely not a t-shirt and sweats kind of person. It made him unique and special which Derek loves.

“You know Mr. S doesn't care right?” Jack says through a mouthful of toast. “I think he likes you.”

Derek chokes a bit before looking up at his son and asking, “What makes you think that?”

“Cuz he always says it's ok when you bring me late and he smiles at you.” Jack says matter-of-factly looking at Derek with his big grey eyes.

“Jack, he smiles because he's being nice it's what people do.” Derek gives a chuckle and shakes his head.

“Not like he does. His smile is SUPER BIG” Jack motions his arms as far as they'll go.

Derek simply stands up and ruffles his son’s hair. “Hurry up kiddo.”

They arrive at Fairmount Elementary at 9 o’clock on the dot. Derek is flushed from rushing when he drops Jack off at his classroom door. Mr. S is there to greet them, as always, with a ‘no worries’ and a smile. Jack turns back to his dad and gives him a pointed look that screams ‘see!’.

Derek smiles and scratches his head while apologizing profusely once more. He then ruffles Jack’s hair again and says he’ll see him after school. Derek doesn't notice how Mr. S’s eyes linger as Derek walks away.

Derek was late, again. For the second time that week. Only this time he was late to pick up Jack instead of dropping him off. He rushes into the front office and quickly scans it noticing his kid was nowhere to be seen.

“Mr.Hale,” the stern secretary, who didn't seem to like him very much, huffs at him. “You're late. Again. If you can't get him picked up on time maybe you should invest in a sitter or arrange someone to pick him up for you.”

“Look. I had a meeting that ran late. That's all. Now that you're done telling me how I should be parenting, where’s my kid?” Derek growls, his fist clenched at his side, at her.

“Mr. Stilinski said he was staying late anyways and would keep an eye on him. He's in the classroom with him.” She replies. Derek rushes out, as he is leaving he hears her continue, “We’re not child sitters Mr. Hale!”

Derek shakes his head at her but doesn't respond. He walks to Jack’s classroom and just hopes Mr. Stilinski isn't too upset.

“I'm so sorry. I had a meeting run late and then my boss wouldn't let me leave without out speaking to me and that dragged on.” Derek rushes out the minute he enters the classroom.

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