Not Another Coffee Shop Story

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By; charlesdk

Summary:  Stiles is tired of the single (not to mention virgin) life he's living and since Lydia likes to watch him screw up with just about everyone, he has to do things himself and use his charm on his target.

Work Text;

“Allison this, Allison that. My God, I love Scott to death but that dude really needs to stop talking before I punch him in the face.”

Stiles punched the air in front of him, making a rather unattractive face as he did, demonstrating how he was going to punch his best friend, Scott, if he didn't stop talking about the girl he met only a few weeks ago and was already head over heels in love with her, apparently.

“Just because you're single and still a virgin doesn't mean Scott should be.”

He turned around to look at Lydia, his mouth opening and his brows furrowed. “Ouch, that hurt, Martin.”

Lydia only threw her hair over her shoulder and turned back around, rolling her eyes. “You're just jealous because you can't score anyone.”

“Oh hey, I could so score someone!”

“No, you couldn't.”

“But I so could- Yeah, okay, you're right, I can't.” Stiles whined and threw himself over the front desk, getting the attention of a few costumers in one booth. “Lydiaaaa, why can't I get someone?”

“Because you're really horrible at picking out women.” She grabbed a cup and pressed the button to fill it with warm and freshly made coffee. “I mean, do you remember Heather? You knew she wasn't into you and you still went for her. And don't even get me started on the ridiculous crush you had on me for years.”

Stiles fell silent for a moment, then rolled his head to the side and gave Lydia a look. “Then what if I'd rather have a man?”

She paused at that, turning around to give him a look before a little grin moved over her lips. “Then go find yourself a man, Stiles. I always knew you were into guys anyway.”

Stiles instantly shot up, mouth open. “And you never came to talk about it with me?!”

“Nope. Wasn't my place to poke.”

“Stilinski!” A voice had them both turning around to face their boss, Finstock, with his angry eyes and that look that reminded Stiles dangerously a lot like his old high school teacher. “Quit slacking 'round and get to the customers!”

Stiles stood up straight, arm along his side as he saluted his boss. “Yes, sir!”

He twirled around and took one, two steps forward before putting on that ridiculous smile that was part of his dress code on the job as a barista. Oh joy.

“What can I do for you, ma'am?”


An hour after his last customer and nothing had happened. Okay, so maybe this wasn't the most exciting job and it wasn't the most popular coffee shop but at least they had decent coffee (and other drinks, might I add) and pretty good cakes. Not that Stiles had ever accidentally taken one out in the back and eaten it, nope. Not at all.

He leaned over the counter and to the blackboard sitting on the counter in front of him, grabbed the chalk and drew another quick butterfly on it. Don't judge him for getting bored. It wasn't like he had much to do while Lydia was off flirting with whoever decided to stay and drink their coffee even though she already had a boyfriend.

But luckily, when the doorbell sounded as the door opened, Lydia didn't move away from where she stood and flirted with the twins sitting at one corner and Stiles got this guy. Slowly, he looked him up and down.

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