Model Material

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By: johnnyscoffe on a03

Children are taught from a young age that they might receive a tattoo without actually going through the pain of getting one, and that this is due to soulmates. If a person's soulmate gets a tattoo it will appear on the others skin. Of course, not everyone gets a tattoo, and not everyone finds their soulmate, even with a tattoo. Some people, more common than most would think, don't bother looking for or ever find their soulmate, tattoo or no tattoo, and date other people who also have not found their soulmate.

Stiles ended up being one of the children who discovered they had a soulmate due to a tattoo. When he was fourteen and changing for gym class Scott gasped and pointed, yelling out, "Stiles has a tattoo!" and announcing the discovery to the entire year, well, the boys anyway. It didn't take long for the girls to find out though. Everyone wanted a glimpse of the thick black swirls on his back, wondering who the person sharing his tattoo could be. He or she had to be at least seventeen to have been able to get the tattoo, which meant that they were at most three years older than Stiles, a fact Stiles' father was not best pleased with. He wasn't happy to find out that his only son could end up finding his soulmate at such a young age, or that they could be quite a bit older than him. Stiles himself was just disappointed that his soulmate wasn't Lydia Martin, the girl he had been crushing on for about a year now, despite her distinct lack of interest in him. The tattoo also meant that Stiles didn't date throughout his school years, despite that fact that people with soulmate tattoos dating were common knowledge. Stiles was a determined person, and he didn't give up easily. He was willing to wait, if it meant that he got to be with the person who was supposedly perfect for him.


Stiles pushed the door to the veterinary clinic open and waved when Scott appeared from behind the front desk.

"Are you not supposed to be working today?" Scott questioned as he unhooked the gate, letting Stiles past the 'staff only' barrier.

"Got my break early because the place was dead." Stiles shrugged. "How's vet training going?"

Scott shrugged, "I have an exam next month that I'm studying my ass off for, but apart from that it's going well."

Stiles nodded in interest. "You'll ace it, you always do." He reassured. "Can you take your break now? I've got baked goods that can't be sold anymore." Stiles grinned, holding up a brown paper bag with the coffee shops logo printed on both sides.

Scott sniggered but waved Stiles inside, "Deaton's out so he can't say no. I was just organising the front anyway."

"Sounds boring," Stiles muttered, already taking out his phone as he settled in one of the staff room chairs, which were actually just old waiting room chairs.

Scott took two dry plates from the drainer and unfolded the bag that Stiles had dumped on the wooden table. "Less boring than making coffee all day."

Stiles was already glued to his phone, Scott's comment unnoticed.

Scott sighed heavily, dividing the slightly stale goods between the plates. He knew exactly what Stiles was doing on his phone, and he sighed again. "Come on dude, we've talked about this-"

"I know Scott, I know." Stiles interrupted before his friend could go on.

Scott swallowed the first bite of a croissant before speaking again. "Have you tried, I don't know, magazines? Models have tattoos sometimes."

Stiles looked up at this suggestion, waiting for Scott to meet his gaze before rolling his eyes dramatically. "I don't buy fashion magazines, Scott, of course I haven't checked them."

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