The First Chapter In Our Book (Mature Content)

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By; orphan_account,Winchsterek

“Daddy, Daddy, hurry up!” Derek chuckled as his daughter skipped ahead of him on the sidewalk, her dark hair streaming behind her. She was displaying her typical amount of six year old energy. When Derek had told her that a local author was reading his books at the library, she had almost vibrated out of her skin. Ariana had a voracious appetite for reading and the thought of meeting a real live author was almost too exciting for her to handle.

The library came into view and Derek called to his daughter to wait for him. She stopped by the door and bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. “We’re not going to be late,” Derek promised her, opening the door and taking her hand. She dragged him through the door and into the large atrium, a low chatter of parents and the squeals of children filling the air.

A part of the children’s section had been opened up, bean bag chairs and carpet squares decorating the floor, with a small ‘stage’ set up with a large rocking chair. It was currently empty, the author clearly not here yet. Ariana tugged Derek’s hand and pulled him to one of the bean bag chairs. “I wanna sit on your lap, Daddy.”

“Sure thing, pumpkin,” Derek said, settling himself in a hot pink bean bag and Ariana dropping into his lap and making herself comfortable.

The seats around them quickly filled, before one of the librarians stood up and introduced the author, named Stiles Stilinski. Derek’s eyebrows raised at the unusual name, as the kids around him applauded and a lean young man walked up to the chair in front of the assembled crowd.

He turned around and Derek felt his breath catch in his throat. Stiles was beautiful, all pale skin and large amber eyes. He smiled brightly at the audience and Derek felt his face heating when Stiles made eye contact with him. Berating himself internally for acting like an idiot, Derek tried to focus on what Stiles was saying.

“Hello everyone,” Stiles said, casting an awkward wave at the crowd. “I hope you like this next book in my series. Is everyone excited to see what adventure Ruby the Cat is going on today?”

“Yes,” the kids all chorused, including Ariana, who bounced up and down in Derek’s lap excitedly. Stiles opened the book and started reading, but Derek found himself less interested in the story and more interested in Stiles. The way his long fingers turned the pages, how expressive his face was as he read, the way his eyes crinkled as he smiled.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this strong of an instant attraction.

Stiles wrapped up the story and Ariana applauded loudly along with the rest of the kids and their parents.

The librarian stood up again. “Thank you so much, Mr. Stilinski, for visiting us today.” She turned to the crowd. “Copies of Mr. Stilinski’s book are available for purchase. He will be staying for an hour to sign copies as well. Refreshments are available in the adjoining room.” There was a smattering of applause again, as children and adults got up off their bean bag chairs. Quite of a few of the kids were pulling their parents towards the table of books, Stiles settling himself behind it.

“Please can I get one, Daddy?” Ariana asked, batting her eyes at him. Derek had already been planning to do so, if only so he could talk to Stiles for a moment, so he readily agreed. They joined the line forming at the table, Derek holding Ariana’s hand.

Derek felt his stomach flutter as Stiles laughed at something one of the kids ahead of them said, throwing his head back and exposing the long line of his neck. Oh yeah, he was in trouble. They got to the front of the table and Ariana waved excitedly. “Hi Mr. Stiles,” she said, grinning.

“Hi there sweetie,” Stiles said, smiling down at her. “What's your name so I can put it in your book for you?”

“Ariana,” she said, before proudly spelling it out.

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