The Hunter's Moon Festival

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By: redhoodedwolf on a03

Summary:  “How do you not have an outfit prepared already?” Scott chastised Stiles. “The festival is tonight!”
“I know!” Stiles shouted back from where he was hidden in his closet, shuffling through mounds of clothes, trying to find something respectable. “I’ve been a little– preoccupied.”
“Preoccupied? That’s your excuse?” Scott replied monotonously. Stiles popped his head out specifically to glare at him.
“Yes, that’s what I’m going with. Now are you going to help me find something nice to wear or not?”

Work Text:

“How do you not have an outfit prepared already?” Scott chastised Stiles. “The festival is tonight!”

            “I know!” Stiles shouted back from where he was hidden in his closet, shuffling through mounds of clothes, trying to find something respectable. “I’ve been a little– preoccupied.”

            “Preoccupied? That’s your excuse?” Scott replied monotonously. Stiles popped his head out specifically to glare at him. 

            “Yes, that’s what I’m going with. Now are you going to help me find something nice to wear or not?”

            “Not here,” Scott scoffed, and Stiles gave him a hurt look. “You don’t own anything traditional enough for your “plan”.”

            “I hear those quotation marks, Scott, don’t test me.”

            “Stiles.” And oh no. Scott’s voice had gone worried. “Are you sure about this?”

            Stiles extracted himself from his closet and gave Scott a smile. “Yeah, man. It’s the perfect time to do it. The Hales throw this festival every year, but only once a year. Who knows what could change by the next one? I need to make my intentions known, otherwise I’ll regret it forever.”

            Scott nodded. “Okay. In that case, we have some major shopping to do for tonight.”

            Later that evening, Stiles arrived at the Hale Estate following Scott and Kira. They were both dressed to match, looking like adorable woodland creatures. Kira’s dress flowed down to her ankles and showed off the lack of footwear. Scott wasn’t wearing any shoes either, though he didn’t seem to have any qualms about it. Werewolf feet had thicker skin. 

            Stiles on the other hand was cursing himself for stepping on a pebble. Maybe he should have crafted some semblance of shoes. He’d seen people get creative to protect their feet, baring enough that the traditional aspect of the festival was still kept. 

            Scott and Kira had assured him he looked good, but Stiles’ wasn’t entirely convinced. They’d forced him into green leggings that were far too tight in every area, but thankfully his top was long enough and covered the important bits. The shirt was a deep red color that was accented by reddened leaves that had been sewn into the piece. The collar on the shirt itched slightly, but Stiles knew that it was important to have. If all went according to plan, he’d look like a douche with a popped collar, but at least the bite would be hidden from prying eyes, as it should be until it healed. 

            Scott shot Stiles an encouraging smile, and Stiles’ hands shook only a little bit. 

            Every year, the Hales, the most well known werewolf family on the west coast, and most definitely Northern California, hosted a festival on their land to celebrate The Hunter’s Moon. It’s a traditional ceremony turned festival that celebrated the treaty of peace between hunters and werewolves. Every so often there were still hate crimes committed against werewolves by hunters who believed they should be exterminated, or a werewolf on a power trip who proclaimed they are the better species, but the treaty had stayed solid for over 200 years. The Hales held a large part in this. 

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