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the entire fight was pitiful, to put it simply.

forrest lost not just the fights, but his power, just as jimmy did. donald made sure he didn't have individual power over his own school, and he made sure forrest and jimmy knew their places.

the meeting was expected. it was tense, but kept short. donald said what he needed and dismissed them. it was like him to keep it short, not wanting to waste more of his time and effort for something as trivial as clueless children with a need for power.

donald had a rough childhood, but he never used it to justify his actions in his currents life. the money didn't get to his head, he just had to be this way for business purposes. or that's what he told himself.

mentally though, donald needed a big hug, but that wouldn't happen any time soon. he got up from his spinning chair, popping his knuckles in the process. he had plans to attend to, and they weren't work related for once.

the epitome of pride itself had somehow earned himself a cafe date with none other than king himself. how he had gotten the male to agree, he didn't know. what he did know what that this date was going to go well. if he didn't, well, he didn't want to think about that. the cafe was across the street from the hnh branch building here. for it being in such a busy area, there weren't many people inside, but he guessed lunch hour was insane.

king was sat in the back, as far away from the window wall as he could get. something about the rushing businessmen stressed him out, so he tried to steer clear of the front of the cafe. donald had to walk through a curtain that had been held open by hooks on the doorframe leading further back.

the back of the cafe was far less crowded, and tremendously more cozy. the 6'2 male barely cleared the doorframe, and the ceiling wasn't much higher.

he spotted king sat in a corner booth that curved to fit. the tables were next to each other against the wall, but separated by smaller curtains that ended right where the back of the booths cut short.

when he sat down he noted the book in the others right hand, his left holding a mug with a tab on a string running down the side. donald guessed the obvious, assuming king ordered tea instead of coffee.

king didn't look up from the book, eyes glossed over with curiosity, light reflecting off his thin rimmed, round glasses every time his head shifted. as he stated before, king was adorably cute.

[i won't read over this until morning when i may be less tired, and my eyes can stay open. goodnight my loves.]

𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now