The Party (side story)

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"Come on Carmine!" Charlie whined from the other side of the bathroom door. "Huh? Oh yeah hon I'll be out in a sec!" I said looking at myself in the mirror. "It'll be ok Carmine...just go with the plan." I said to myself. I then fixed my hair and stood up straight. "Just go with the plan." I said. I then opened the door to find Charlie with her arms crossed. "...what?" I said. "You sure your not done yet?" Charlie said. "Oh stop." I said pulling her in for a hug. I then started to tickle her to get that frown off her face. "...hehe ok OK! Stop! Hehe I get it I get it! Hehe" She laughed. We then started to kiss. "...Alright...Alright! Carmine calm down hehe save it for after the party!" She said as I was kissing her neck. "Come on just one round it'll be quick." I said. "Nuh uh mister not this time." She said. "Aww" I groaned. "I mean...fine. We can take a shower together only. But no funny stuff ok?" She said. "Well, I can't promise there won't." I said. "Honnnn" she said. "Fine ok. I promise." I said. "Good." She said. "Alright hurry!" I said running back in the bathroom.
11 minutes later.
I came out of the closet with my blue suit on. Charlie was with Vaggie and Nifty getting dressed. I looked in the mirror and looked at Shlonky. "What do you think boy?" I said looking at him. He barked. "Yeah me too. Still a perfect fit." I said. "You think she's gonna like what I have planned?" I said kneeling down petting him. He then licked my face in response. "Thanks boy. I think so too." I said petting him. I walked out of the room and went downstairs and ran into Angel. "Hey...woah. That suit brings back some memories." He said. "Yeah I know." I said. "What happened to all the blood on it?" He said. "Nifty cleaned it...amazingly." I said. "Huh. I see." He said. "Where's Charlie" I said. "Oh she's...right there." He said with wide eyes poking behind me. I turned around to see Charlie in a dress up the stairs.

"Holy fucking shit" I said

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"Holy fucking shit" I said. She then walked down towards me. "Hi!" She said hugging me. "Hey..." I said. "You look...absolutely fucking beautiful." I said cupping her face. "Thank you! did it get cleaned?" She said touching my suit. "Nifty." I said. "Wherever she is.". "I'm right here!" Nifty said. "JESU-Fuck!" I yelped. "You need to stop doing that Nifty." I said as she sat on my shoulder. "Oops sorry." She said. "Anyway thanks Nifty." I said. "No problem C!" She said hugging my face and running off. "Well it brings back many memories." Charlie said. "Good memories. Well not too good saying I got severely hurt in those." I said making her giggle and kiss me. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I said. "Yep I 100% ship them." Angel said.
10 minutes later.
We arrived at the palace of Charlie's parents and got out the limo. A bunch of news reporters were there taking pictures of powerful overlords and there wife's or dates for the news. We walked through the dozen of reporters who apparently turned their focus on us. They were taking pictures and asking a bunch of questions, you know basic paparazzi. "Just keep walking baby." Charlie said to me. We finally reached the inside to find classical music and a bunch of demons talking and drinking. "Well here it is." She said. "Yeah let's go make ourselves present then shall we?" I said holding her hand. "We shall" She said. We then walked to find Lucifer and Lilith. "Apple!" Lucifer said. "Apple Daddy!" Charlie said hugging him. "Apple daddy?..." I mumbled highly confused. "Hey there sweetie!" Lucifer said. "Hi mom!" Charlie said hugging Lilith. "That's her mom?..." I mumbled highly confused since I've never seen her mom before. "Hi darling." Lilith said. "And well we'll well isn't it my son in law." Lucifer said giving me a bear hug almost suffocating me. "Hey..there..Lucifer!" I said trying to breath. He then let go of me. "Lilith hon this is Carmine our son in law, the one who saved Charlie when she was stuck on Earth." He said. "He's a human?" Lilith said looking down at me making me gulp. Jeez was she fucking tall.
"Hi there Mrs. Magne" I said holding my hand out for her to shake it. "....Carmine should be calling your wife that not me." She said shaking my hand. "Oh yeah sorry." I said. "No worries. But I do thank you for saving my daughters life. Sorry for not attending your guys wedding but as you heard I was out of town at the moment." She said. "Oh no harm done. Just know that I'm very grateful to be with your daughter." I said. "And we are extremely thankful for you being with our daughter as well." Lucifer said. "Well if you'll excuse us guys we're are gonna go introduce ourselves." Charlie said. "Ok darling." Her mother said. We went to go introduce ourselves when I thought it was maybe time to set up the plan. "Hey hon I uh I left my phone in the limo ima go get it and I'll be back." I said. "Ok be quick honey." She said giving me a quick peck on the lips. "K" I said running to the limo.
5 hours later.
We have been at the party for about 5 hours and no I haven't done the plan yet. I was drinking a beer and look over to Charlie who was sitting down, smiling as usual but I can tell she was sad or bored. Sooooo...I decided to do the plan. "Hey" I said walking over to her. "Hey baby!" Charlie said. "Hey you wanna come out side with me real quick?" I said. "Heh uh why?" She giggled. "Just come on trust me." I say extending my hand out for her to take it. "Um, uh ok heh." She said as she took my hand. I led her to the back door of the palace and walked outside into the garden. "Carmine where are we going?" She giggled. "Just hold on we're almost there." I said as she rolled her eyes playfully. "Alright then" I said as I stopped. "What is...this?" Charlie said as she looked around to see candles lit up around us and a radio. "What is this?" She said. "Well id figured you'd be stressed so I decided I can destress you by you know, by us dancing alone with each other, away from everyone." I said. "C you didn't have to." She said. "Yes I did now come on, let's dance shall we?" I said turning on the radio as the disc played. ( A/N You can choose  whatever song but I'd choose lovely by Billie Eilish. It fits the mood.)
"Mm we shall." She smiled as she put her arms on my shoulders and I put my hands on her waist and started to slow dance. It felt like we were dancing forever within 3 minutes. We were just looking into each other's eyes. It was like, as if we fell in love again. I didn't want this moment to end and I can tell she didn't either. "Hey" Charlie said. "Yeah? I said. "What you are think of?" She said. "...everything" I said. I don't know why but we both started to wail up tears. Charlie then roughly kissed me, then softly. " *sniff* I love you Carmine Lopez." She said putting her head on mine. "I love you Charlie Magne, and it's Magne now Char." I chuckled and sniffled. "Heh yes I know." She chuckled as she kissed me again gently. Everything about this was lovely. Absolutely everything.
(With Lucifer and Lilith)
"It looks like they both other Lucifer hon." Lilith said as they were both on the balcony looking at us dancing. "Yes I still wonder how a human could be in love with a demon. Hell, I still wonder how love could exist down here." Lucifer said. "Pun intended?" Lilith said. "No." Lucifer said. "Mm that's a shame." Lilith said. "You know Lilith, I don't think this one will run away." Lucifer said. "Yes. Me neither" Lilith said.
(Back with us)
"I love you Charlie." I said. "Back to you, my husband." She said hugging me as I kissed her head. "Thank goodness this plan went well." I said.

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