The move.

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"We're sorry it couldn't work out," 15 year old Jonah McCallister's now former foster mother said to him. "We hope you can find your forever home soon."

Jonah nodded his head gripping the strap of his backpack in one hand and the straps of his duffle bag in another, "Thank you for taking me in as long as you could," he said before turning to his social worker and headed to her car. He got in and took a deep breath, "I really thought things were going in the right direction."

His social worker smiled sadly, "Me too kid," she said. "I promised Vanessa that I would put you in your forever home. And I'm keeping that promise."
Vanessa, his first case worker before being placed with Bree because Vanessa moved to Washington state.

"Where to now?" Jonah asked.

"I need to ask you something first," she said as she put the car in drive and pulled away.

"What's up?" He asked.

"How do you feel about your next pair of foster parents being two women?" She asked trying to gage his response.

"Did Vanessa not tell you that I was born to two men?" He asked. "I'll be fine, but probably won't talk at first."

"I understand." Bree said and she did. She was an ex foster kid herself. She knew opening up to new foster parents wasn't easy. "What happened to your fathers? If you don't mind me asking."

"Car accident for my dad," he said. "The war for my papa."

"I'm sorry," she said placing her hand on his knee. "If it means anything, I really think Teri and Sherri are the parents for you. They're friends of mine and they're doing me a favor. They're looking into adopting and know that teens don't get adopted easy, but think you'll be a good fit for them and their four children."

"Four children?" Jonah's eyes went wide.

"Three boys," she said. "They're all 15 and a girl who is 13."

"Triplets?" Jonah asked.

Bree chuckled, "No." She said. "They've been together for eight years. "Sherri has twins."

"Do I get to stay at MacArthur Prep? I mean, the foster kid program is paying for tuition and stuff. And you promised that I would graduate from there."

"You do get to," Bree said, "though the kids go to John Wayne. Your school's rival. But this couple understands that you need familiarity."

"I can deal with that," he said smoothing out his MacArthur sweatshirt.

Bree rolled her eyes and said, "Have you talked to the Kenney's? Told them about the move?"

He nodded, the Kenney's were the family that couldn't adopt him, but still treated him like he was family, "They told me to call them once I got settled in and they'd pick me up on Monday morning."

"Sounds good," she said pulling into a nicer neighborhood then what he's used to.

"Why are we in Hollywood Hills?" Jonah asked.

"Oh yeah about that," she said. "They're actresses."

"Like famous actresses?" He asked eyes wider than before.

"Ever heard of The Foster's?" She asked.

"I think I have," he said. "Is that the one of a house full of foster kids, foster-adopted kids, and that one biological kid, and two moms? The one that JLo is the executive producer for?"

"Mmhm," she acknowledged. "Well they're the two moms in that show."

"Wait, they're together in real life?" He asked. "I thought that was a joke."

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