Louis the Hunted

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AN/////:::::: OK so just a warning now. I've been wanting to add this to the one big family for a bit. So fair warning if you get triggered by mental health issues please don't read. I so sorry I made the baby this but I feel it will be a little interesting.

Thanks, Boos xx

Louis started to notice not so long ago that something just seemed different. A couple of days ago when he was laying in his bed late at night, he couldn't sleep. It happened.

"Meow." Louis shot out of his bed stared at the sudden noise.

"Hello" he called out to the empty dark room. Silence...

"Meow" it repeated. Louis rushed to his bedside lamp accidentally knocking off a few toys, feeling bad for letting them fall. The lamp lit up the room and Louis frantically searched for the source of the noise. Then he saw it.

"Meow" a little fluffy white cat with jet black eyes and a pink tongue showing at each meow.

"A KITTY" Louis cheered quickly reminding himself not to wake up the others. The boy grabbed the cat and hugged him close. Snuggling the feline into his chest.

"I'm going to name you Dot" Louis whispered. Softly stroking the cat's soft white fur like Daddy strokes his hair when he's trying to get Louis to sleep. The cat began to purr and Louis heart filled with joy.

"Dot likes me," he thought to himself.


When Louis woke up Dot was gone and it made him sad. When Simon came in to wake Louis up he was surprised when his son pushed past him calling for Dot...what?

"Louis, Louis" he called "what are you doing?" He asked his youngest who was currently looking under the lounge.

"Looking for Dot" he replied continuing on with his search.

"Whose Dot?" Simon asked still confused.

"Hey, whats going on?" Asked Liam who just woke up from all the ruckus.

"I'm looking for Dot" he repeated.

"Whose Dot" Liam yawned.

"That's what I said" Simon cut in. He walks over to his son and grabbed him sitting him on his lap.

"Baby whose Dot?" He asked again.

"He's my cat" Louis grinned not thinking much of it.

"You don't have a cat sweetie," Simon said calmly completely confused by the boy. He knew that it wasn't a stuffed cat he only had two and none were called Dot. Liam sat next to the duo and soon the room filled with three more people.

"Good morning" Harry yawned walking over to make a bowl of cereal. He was followed by the other two doing the same thing.

"I do have one, Dot, he has white fur, fluffy and jet black eyes." He describes. Simon just shakes his head and chuckles.

"Baby I think you just had a dream. There are no animals here baby boy except the plush ones in your room." Louis smiled along as Simon attack his cheek with kissing. Louis accepted that it was a dream. But it just... it just felt so real.


That was the first time it happened. Now the cat comes every night and other things started to appear also. Just when he was doing the dishes with his Daddy and saw two goldfish swimming in the soapy water. Then he started to see a gold Chinese dragon flying around the ceiling. Louis likes to follow the dragon, it just seems calming. Louis named the dragon Flame because he breathes fire, which Louis thought was so cool. Simon thought that this was going on for too long and had to talk to his youngest.

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