Tell Me More About What You Do in the Dark

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these screams were all Niall remembered before everything went black.






"LIAM" Louis called from downstairs.

"What!" Liam called back annoyed not wanting to leave his room.

"Can you please come down" Louis shouted angering the sleeping Zayn and the awake Harry and Niall.

"JUST GO DOWN LIAM. I'M TRYING TO SLEEP." Zayn complained. Liam groaned and walked downstairs to see Louis and Ashley all close and cuddly with each other.

"You're Ashley right?" Liam asked with a straight face. he didn't like Ashley. The only reason he had not the like him is that he was kissing his baby brother and that's good enough for Liam.

"Yes," Ashley said nervously. Louis death stared Liam, they planed this meet up and he "pretty pleased" Liam to be nice.

"Ashley here is learning how to play footy." Louis mentioned trying to get Ashley on Liam's good side "do you have any tips for him?" Louis asked turning to smile at his boyfriend. Liam still kept a straight face, he steps closer to the couple.

"yeah I'll give you a tip," he said rubbing his face "don't touch my brother."

with that Ashley's hands were immediately off Louis.

"Oh, Liam's just kidding. aren't you Liam?" Louis asked a bit forceful, trying to get his brother to be nicer.

"Right" Liam dragged out like it was a lie but he nodded and smiled like it was true. When Louis wasn't looking, Liam took his time to mouth "I will fu*king kill you" making Ashley gulped. Louis looked back and Liam who returned to his smiley self like nothing was wrong.

"shall we sit?" Liam asked pointing the boys to the direction of the couch. Louis and Ashley were about to sit together but Liam quickly rearranged Louis so Liam would be sitting in the middle. There he could really talk to this boy without Louis trying to protect him.

"So Ashton-"

"It's Ashley" he corrected getting Liam to raise his eyebrows "but you can call me Ashton if you want," Ashley said nervously, he really wanted Louis' brother's to like him.

"No Liam" Louis cut in "be nice to him" he ordered but he was only shushed by his older brother.

"Ashton. We like to refer to Little Lou here as the innocent baby," he said calmly before growing an angry look on his face. "What are your intentions with my baby brother?" Liam asked hoping it wasn't what he was thinking.

"I intend to love him, spoil him and be the best boyfriend I can be for him," Ashley replied.

"And what are your plans for the future? what university are you going to? what career and you working towards? do you currently have a stable job?" Liam shot questions at the flustered boy. Louis rolled his eyes complaining about Liam's treatment but it all went ignored. Ashley only replied the only thing he could think of.

"umm, I'm eleven," he joked cautiously, he was not impressing Liam one bit.

"So you're a funny man."

"Liam!" Louis told off trying to get his brother to lay off a bit.

"No, no, Louis. we have a funny man in the house. maybe funny man here should tell us a joke."

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