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Dear Simon,

Hey again, I hope you got my last letters. You haven't replied so I don't actually know but, I meant what I said, by the way.

I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me.

I understand if you don't want to, I do. What I did was horrible but, I am trying to improve myself.

I promise I'm trying. I've been going to therapy and I've been taking my meds like you always made sure I did.

I'm going to redeem myself and be a better person.

How is he? is he okay? I do regret leaving him, I do.

Anyway, take care, I love you and Paul and those boys of your and I promise I will be a better person.

Love, Lady. Xx


Niall sat at the dining room spreading his butter on his bread like a mad man, he was more focused on the people sitting around him. Liam was multi-tasking reading a history textbook while shoving spoonfuls of cereal in his face, some milk drops falling on to his page only to be quickly wiped away. Zayn wasn't eating, more staring at his breakfast wishing he didn't get out of bed. Harry was scrolling on his phone talking to many sluts and dicks that he knows and Louis... He just sat there staring straight at Niall. Simon comes over handing Louis two pills which Louis placed both in his mouth. Simon looked pleased and left to get his own breakfast and just as Simon was gone, Louis stuck out his tongue at Niall showing him the two unswallowed pills.

Niall's took his attention off his rebel brother and bought it to his father. Unknown why to Niall but Simon irritates him so much. To Niall, Simon has imprisoned him all he wants is to live his own life but would Simon let him? No, obviously not. Simon spread peanut butter on his toast, taking giant bites out of the bread getting the peanut butter over his face and crumbs on his shirt. The sounds his mouth made at every bite made Niall's skin crawl.

"So, what are the plans for you kids today?" Simon asked month slightly full, that disgusted Niall. It was a long weekend so no school until Tuesday. Niall had plans to go out with his friends but, Simon is such a narcissistic arsehole Niall doubts Simon would let him go.

"Studying," Liam told not taking his eyes off what he was reading "have a test on Tuesday."

"Well, that's good," Simon smiled taking another bite of his toast "Niall what about you? what are your plans?" Oh god, Niall mentally groaned.

"I'm gonna hang with my friends," he said flatly, staring at his younger brother Louis who had an emotionless expression on his face.

"Okay, which friends, are they? Have I met them before?" Niall has to give Simon some credit, he is trying to cut back on his over protectiveness but, he still didn't want his children around people he didn't know.

"No" Niall mumbled taking no interest in this conversation. Simon didn't wanna deal with bratty teenagers this early but guess that what he signed up for 16 years ago.

"Well... I'll like to meet them, You can bring them over here if you want?" Niall rolled his eyes, Simon was playing the nice card and he wasn't buying it.

"They don't wanna come over" Niall was close to snapping, he hated that as a family they HAD to eat breakfast together. At this point, Liam was watching the conversation between Niall and Simon, Zayn was resting his head on the table probably wishing he wasn't awake right now, Harry was on his phone and Louis was busy playing with the strings on his jumper. Why couldn't Simon be interrogating one of them?

"Well, I think it would be nice if-"

"No! they don't want to come, alright?" Niall snapped, instantly regretting it after he saw the hurt on his father's face.

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