Late Night

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Louis and Ashley cuddled together in the sleeping bag on the floor. Simon set up Ashley's sleeping arrangement since Louis and Ashley can't sleep in the same bed obviously.

Ashley held Louis close occasionally kissing his nose and lips.

"Why can't we sleep on your bed again?" Ashley asked then returning to kissing Louis all over.

"Because we won't fit with all the stuffed toys." He smiled still obeying the "don't offend anyone" rule.

"You're cute" Ashley teased making Louis blush. The two intertwined their legs together wanting to be as close as possible. The room was dark but moonlight shined through the window making the boys shine and look irresistible.

"What do you want to do?" Louis asked shooting Ashley the puppy dog eyes. Ashley wanted to do something but wasn't sure if Louis was up for it. He had to look away from Lou's blue eyes as he was getting really shy.

"There is one thing we could do" Ashley nervously mentioned.

"Like what?" Louis giggled. He was so innocent and clueless about what Ashley was thinking.

"Like this" Ashley yelled throwing a pillow at Louis' face.

"HEY" Louis laughed hitting the boy with the pillow that was behind him. The two continued their pillow fight until Ashley admitted defeat due to him being too tired to go on.

"I'm tired too," Louis told dropping down to the floor. Ashley laid down next to him puffing and panting, trying to regain his breath.

"That was fun" he smiled turning to Louis.

"Yeah" Louis starred up at the ceiling he felt a kiss on his cheek, turning to see Ashley smiling at him.

"Do you think that maybe, we aren't the crazy ones?" He asked watching Flame fly peacefully around his room.

"Well," Ashley started "no, but I believe that we get to see the world in a totally different light than the majority of people on this planet. That's pretty cool." Ashley always had a way is trying to find the best in things. It made Louis happy when he did.

"I still see things you know, I don't tell anyone about them, well, except for you" Ashley nodded understanding where Louis was coming from.

"Some of them are good visions, who I don't want to go away."

Louis felt Ashley's hand hold his.

"I get it," he told, "it's our mind, our business."

Louis took his attention away from Flame and starred into Ashley's eyes.




This is a short chapter. Just a little filler I wanted to write. Personally I find Louis and Ashley so cute and I love writing about them, but I'll love to hear what you guys think about this young relationship.


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