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*beep, beep*

Simon slapped his hand on his alam clock, it was a new day and so many wonderful things can happen today. Simon groaned and rubbed his face. He knew that it was a school day, so Liam being the responsible one would have everyone out of bed (excluding Zayn). He would probably going to walk in and give him breakfast. Simon was always thankful for Liam's help around the house and the other boys. It almost made him feel like a horrible father. It wasn't Liam's job it was his.

"Dad?" Liam knocked on the door. Walking in without Simon's approval, like he needed one anyway. Simon sat up and reached out for the bowl of cereal his son ever so kindly offered him.

"Thanks Li" Liam smiled and sat on the end of his fathers bed. Taking one scoop of the corn flakes he placed the bowl on his nightstand. Liam gave a smile towards his father handing him a letter that he would get every morning.

"No," Simon shook his head, refusing the letter.

"I don't want them anymore" he told more to himself than his oldest. Liam just nodded, understanding his father's wishes. Liam shoved the letter in his back pocket, he actually wanted to talk about something else.

"Umm" Liam mumbled, Simon turned his head to Liam after taking a couple of scoops from his cereal.

"I know who she is" he admitted "I remember her..." Simon held out his hand to Liam, rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand. Guess, he wasn't too young to remember.


The boys left for school and Simon had a lot of paper work, and phone calls. It just never stopped. He was on the phone to one of his bands, it was FIDLAR, they just released they're next album and were pitching ideas for music videos. Once, Simon and the band agreed on an idea, he had to get on the phone and organised a director, stylist, choreographer, etc, etc. before he knew it, he had been working for three hours straight.

He stretched out his arms and decided to have a well deserved break. Leaving his office, he felt awfully strange, he was the only one in this big house... Or so he thought.

Walking down stairs to the living room, Simon was stun to see his younger brother on his lounge, holding his phone, with a red blotchy face.

Now, this was weird. Paul was always the happy, carefree one. It pained Simon to see him so upset.

"Paul... What's wrong?" Simon sat down next to Paul, the younger man didn't take his eyes off his phone.

"I fucked up Si, I really did it this time," he sobbed. Simon rested his head on his brother's shoulder, rubbing his back. Like, he would do with the boys when they were upset.

"What did you do?" He ask, Paul finally took a breath and explained to Paul about a girl he met a week ago.

"Well..." Paul began "she's... Pregnant" Simon mouth jaw dropped and he pulled away from his distressed brother.

"Well," he smiled "congratulations" he patted Paul's back before standing up.

"What you going to name them?" He joked, getting an annoyed head shake from Paul.

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