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Dear Simon,

I'm a fuck up I get it.

But, please can you please just understand where I am coming from.

I was scared, I was lost.

please reply to this letter, you were my superhero.

you were...

is it too much to ask for a second chance?

I love you...

I love him too, I always have. I'm sorry I did that.

Please... I beg of you.

Love, Lady. Xx


After Liam put him to bed and turned out the lights. Louis jumped out of his bed rushing to take off his pj's that were covering another layer of clothing. Grabbing a denim jacket he made his way through his bedroom window climbing down ever so carefully and disappearing into the night.

"Tip Toe through the night, hey Louis".

Louis jumped on a bus where he met his boyfriend Ashley, sitting alone staring out the window.

"See what he's thinking Louis, that boy is no good."

"Hey" Ashley greeted, Louis didn't reply he just sat down next to the boy.

"How much you have?" Ashley whispers so no one could hear their secret conversation. Louis smiled at the boy pulling out a bag full of loose pills.

"You little demon, you."


The bus stopped a street away from the boy's destination, it was only a short walk but they made it to the door of an underground club, the bouncer recognised the two boys instantly.

"Louis, Ashley. you made it" the bouncer sounded relieved that the 13 and 11-year-old were here.

"He better be glad that we're here right Louis. We're the life of the party."

The two entered the club, there was pool tabled, loud music and lots of cigarette smoke in the air. They have reached their destination.

Louis won't admit it but he is very small and this crowd were kids in their teens and early 20s', so, much taller than Louis. Ashley made sure to hold Louis' hand when they made their way to the bar standing on the table so they are taller than the crowd.

"Hey Little Lou" a man greeted, he was a big guy, big-boned he likes to say, with a bald head and a long brown beard as well. He's quite friendly, all the regulars were to Louis and Ashley.

"God. he needs to lose a few, don't he Louis?"

"Hey Maxxie, what will it be today?" Louis asked sitting back down on the table with Ashley following his lead.

"The usual" Maxxie told sliding a hundred pound bill in the boy's hand, Louis gave him two white little tablets. The man smiled and walked away.

"See you next month Maxxie" Louis gave the bill to Ashley, he's the one who handles the money.

"Our money, my money."


"Are you a member or know anyone who is a member of the police force?" Louis asked the man wearing black shades, the man slowly shook his head and that was enough for Louis.

"Okay man here you go," Louis told receiving a 50-pound bill and gave the man one white pill. the unnamed man left and Louis gave the money back to Ashley. They have only been here 1/2 an hour and they nearly sold out.

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