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Louis and Ashley walked in the park hand in hand. Louis was thankful for this time as things have been tense at home. After getting caught selling his meds, his and Simon's relationship hasn't been the best.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Louis asked, clinging to his boyfriend's arm. It was very cold out and Louis was prone to feel frozen, thank god Ashley was like a furnace. The older boy just shrugged.

"So warm... so warm..."

"So..." Ashley dragged "what's going on with your dad?" Louis just sighed at the boy, rubbing his cheek on Ashley's jacket sleeve.

"He's been lying to me," Louis confessed as the two continued to walk down the path they usually take.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire."

"About what?" The older boy wonder, what could be so bad that it made Louis this pissed. Louis just smirked, brushing his hair out of his face.

"I don't know yet... but, it's something big."

"How do you know he's lying to you if you don't even know what it is?" Ashley raised his eyebrows.

"Look at him! Doubting your brilliant, sick mind."

"I just do," Ashley shakes his head at the response, not wanting to get too deep in that can of worms.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something," Ashley told, changing the subject. Stopping their peaceful walk and rubbed the back of his neck. This was a red light for Louis, whenever he touches his neck, it means he's up to no good.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked hesitantly. Ashley didn't respond he just guided Louis to the closest bench. Louis was getting a little nervous now but, he tried to not let Ashley see.

"So..." He started, stroking Louis' hand. The younger boy just gave a stern look, so many thoughts were rushing through his head. What did he do? Did he cheat? Why won't he just tell me?

"I don't really how to tell you this but, my dad got a new job and..." Ashley's scratched the back of his head. Louis just narrowed his eyes at Ashley.

"And what?" He questioned.

"It's in New York," He told sadly. Louis was shocked but it wasn't what Ashley was expecting his reaction to be.

"Oh" Louis sat there stunned, he wasn't expecting that. He knew that his father was job searching but, he didn't think it would mean that they would move so far away.

"When are you leaving?" Louis asked, maybe he still has time with Ashley. What is it? Like in a Year?

"Next week," Ashley told not looking at Louis, who was gobsmacked.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Louis had this sinking feeling in his gut. What other secrets was he keeping from him?

"It's just I didn't want you to freak out with having to be alone," Ashley stated, confusing Louis with trying to understand what he meant by that.

"Excuse me?" He said this more like a warning. Like an "I'm going to give you a chance to take back what you just said" kinda thing. Ashley, of course, decided to continue and dig a hole deeper for himself.

"Com' on Lou, you can't be all on your own especially after all that's happened" he gave a smug smile, indicating Louis' troubled past with his stepfather. He likes to feel that he knew Louis better than, well, Louis and he knew how much that aggravated him.

"You're still a just little... Broken" Ashley nodded when he thought of the right word. Now in Ashley's head, he didn't think this was news and that Louis was self-aware enough to see this too but, Ashley's words pained Louis' heart. Offended with what Ashley just, just... Assumed.

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