Crazy but Sane

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Niall and Louis were sitting in the kitchen. When they heard the worst sound Niall could ever hear.

"Whose that?" Louis asked looking confused.

"Oh no" Niall groaned.

"No, no, no, no-" he repeated hoping it will go away but it didn't because it tapped his shoulder.

"Nialler" Stacy smiled wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Hi Stacy" Niall huffed letting the girl hug him tight.

"Did you miss me?" Stacy asked.

"With every bullet so far."

Louis watched Stacy's actions towards Niall. He found it funny but also he had to stay loyal to his brother.

"Oh Nialler. You're so funny" she laughed hysterically letting go of Niall's waist and slapping his chest.

"Sorry Niall I was late but I had to perform a seance for my puppy-dog" she smiled.

"And they call me psycho" Louis scoffed.

"Oh Louis you're so FUNNY!" She yelled in Louis' face making him flinch.

"So Stacy what are you doing here?" Niall asked cautiously.

"What do you think, I'm here to see you. My boyfriend."

Stacy hugged Niall tightly making him look to his brother for help. Louis knew what he had to do. He sent a nod and went on his phone.

"Thanks Louis" Niall said to himself.

Stacy didn't seem to be letting go even when Niall was trying to peel her off of him.

The girl rested her chin on his chest.

"You should meet my parents." She told still not letting go of Niall.

"Louis a little help" he mouthed to his little brother. Louis only sent a thumbs up while putting down his phone on the kitchen bench.

This meant he was finished and Niall wouldn't have to worry.

The front door opened and somebody ran to the kitchen. It was Ashley.

"Louis I saw your text. You said you needed someone to get you out of here." Ashley huffed making Niall roll his eyes.

Louis grabbed his belongings, running to Ashley.

"Thank god you're here" he said to the boy. Louis turned towards his brother and his girlfriend who was still hugging him. Niall has given up getting her off him.

"Umm... Bye Stacy really good meeting you. Niall good luck" Louis and Ashley left the two in the kitchen.

Niall death stared Louis yelling "LOUIS YOU SON OF A -" the door slammed before Niall could finish.


"Liiiiiiiammmm" Zayn called from the hallway.

"Whaaaat?" Liam called back imitating Zayn's whine.

Zayn dragged himself in the room flopping down on Liam's bed and Liam as well.

"What's the matter Zayn?" He asked not taking his attention away from his laptop.

"I have problems" he groaned.

"Yeah, Paul dropped you on the coffee table when you were two. We were expecting it." Liam told not taking his eyes off the screen.

Zayn rubbed his head at hearing that.

"No" he sat up looking at his brother's face who was still not paying attention.

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