𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧 [1]

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(If you haven't already, please listen to the audio above before reading. There will be spoilers.)

- Your POV -

"What? What's that look for? Oh you wanna know what your little pastel fever dream of a boyfriend had to say?" I nodded, stoic faced. I was still a little bit angry that he had picked up the phone when Al had called. But I bet he was angrier, he probably thought that Seth had done something to me or done something with me. "Hey, look, I tell you what. Next time, I'll put it on speakerphone and you'll get to hear everything. No secrets, doesn't that sound nice?"

I grunted. I knew Seth would do this at one point. I mean, I just met him and he's already a douche. Maybe Alphonse was right, Seth really is the worst. I grabbed my phone out of his hand and shoved it in my back pocket. "Seth, do you have any idea how angry Alphonse probably is?!"

He sighed and turned in his seat, now leaning on the bar table. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Calm your cute ass down (Y/n)." he said as he side-smirked at me. I groaned and held my head in my hand, leaning onto the bar table as well. I swear, every time a word came out of that man's mouth, it made me want to punch him square in the face more and more. "You see, momma always said there's no sense in lying. The truth will always come out. Always." 


We both looked towards the door at the same time. "Yo Seth, let's talk outside." I sighed, seeing Alphonse's face crinkle up into an angry grimace. "What? Come on, I ordered you a screwdriver and everything..! Pull up a chair, let's catch up... we have so much to talk about." Seth said as he pointed at the drink that was placed on the bar table, then pointing at the seat, gesturing for Alphonse to take a seat next to him. "The way I see it, all I got to say is that you should get the hell away from them." Alphonse then pointed at me, his face filled with even more anger. 

"What kind of stunt is that? Answering (Y/n)'s phone?! You think you're intimidating short stack? I stopped being scared of you a long time ago. And (Y/n) ain't either, see?! You're lucky you didn't get your eyes gouged out, your knees kicked in, your skull cracked!" Alphonse said, his voice getting louder and more aggressive as he spoke. "What? Who? My new friend here? No, no, no, no, no! We're pals, bosom buddies! I've already introduced them to my old man! I mean we're practically an item." Seth bragged as I groaned again, leaning back in the chair.

"Keep it up and we're gonna have a problem. Seth, this doesn't involve (Y/n)." Alphonse said and he crossed his arms and stared at Seth with pure anger. "Doesn't it though? My little Bubblegum Prince. They're a homewrecker. A wholeass Jolene!" Seth leaned his back onto the bar table as he stared back at Alphonse. If they're gonna talk about their past sex life, could they at least make it a little more subtle for fucks sake? "Hey. Hey, hey. Shut up!" Alphonse yelled as he grunted afterwards.

"I get locked up, do a little bit of time and you forget all about me?! Forget all about the good old days, back when you were such a good boy for me━""I said shut up!" Alphonse yelled back at Seth as he grabbed him by the shoulder. "You and me. Outside. Now."

"There we go. I was wondering if you lost that loud mouth of yours. You know, I always was a fan." Seth smirked at Alphonse as I fixed my posture and looked down at my phone. I needed to leave soon, it was getting really late. I looked back up and saw Seth open the back door to the Tavern, staring at Alphonse. When the door closed I felt.. jealousy. That was one of the things Seth did to me. He made me jealous even though I knew I shouldn't be. I just, I loved Alphonse and so did he, so it was hard not to get at least a little bit jealous when he went outside without me, just with Alphonse.

I looked back down at my phone, tapping rapidly. "Yeah, uh, hey Finn. Could you come pick me up? I'll send you the address." I said as I sighed afterwards. "Oh, uhm.. yeah sure! You okay?" he asked, sounding concerned. "I'm alright don't worry dude. I just want out of this place, like, right now." I said as I got out of my chair and walked to the front door. "Alright then, remember that you can always talk to me about anything, yeah? I'll see you in a sec." I smiled, Finn always had my back. "Yep, see ya Flower boy." "Hey!━" I hung up and chuckled as I walked out of the Tavern.

Now to wait.

𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 // Alphonse x Reader x Seth \\Where stories live. Discover now