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So this story is about Gerard being a virgin and a friend of his(Bert) starting a rumor at school about Gerard being a slut.
Now the storyline was great. The idea was pretty damn good and I was excited to read it. The execution had a lot of issues.
First of all, the thing that annoyed me the most, was that there were way too many cringy references to songs. Like for example, every time someone closed a door, I Write Sins Not Tragedies was mentioned. Every. Fucking. Time. And there were more references of that sort some of which were completely out of place and repeated over and over and over again. That thing alone made the fic seem like it was written by a 12 year old in 2010.
At the same time the fic was problematic in other ways like the fact that many situations were mentioned a lot in the beginning and seemed important (eg. Mikey and Pete dating) and at some point they stropped being mentioned, like they disappeared and that made the story seem unfinished or not well done.
Bert was, as per usual, the 'bad guy' which I hated, as I always do. It's because of those fics where he's mean, that he ends up getting a shitton of hate in real life. Like come on people... If you want a bad guy in a fic COME UP WITH AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER.
A lot of actually important and significant parts of the story were talked about briefly and the characters' reactions weren't relistic 99% of the time.
The fic ended very suddenly and that made it seem like it was rushed.
At the beginning of the story, in the comments, a lot of people said it was their 2nd or even 3rd time reading(which means that people enjoy it so you might too so you should read it to get your own opinion) and that made me believe the fic would be amazing, and I was kind of disappointed.
Some parts were actually good though both in the writing style and the plot.

Link for it in the comments.

Frerard/Mcr fan ficton reviewWhere stories live. Discover now