The date (Clichè pt 2)

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And text him Dan did. Normally he's scared to, but Phil seemed like such a genuine person that he couldn't help but feel comfortable around him.
"Hey, this is Dan!"
A few minutes later, Phil texted back.
"Hey Dan! Sorry, I was held up with a customer. The rain seems to be detouring everyone else though, business is slow now ;-;"
"It's fine! But RIP, I used to work at a coffee shop. Slow business is so boring."
"It really is. But hey, at least I have someone cool to talk to!"
"Cool? I see no cool people here aside from you."
"Haha, shut up. You're cool too!"
"Sure, okay. Whatever you say Mr. Cool guy Phil."
"Your words, not mine B)"
Dan laughs softly, shaking his head.
"Shush you."
"Hmm... Only if you agree to hang out with me! You free Friday?"
His face flushes slightly, and he chides himself. 'It's not a date, stupid.'
"Yeah, I'm free. What time?"
"How about 5? If it's not raining, we could go to the park!"
"This is England; when does it STOP raining?"
"Fair point, fair point. Still, would 5 at Roseguard park work?"
"Yep! See you then?"
"See ya then!"

Dan woke up to his alarm with a groan.
"Ugh... Stupid school..." He rolls out of bed, shutting off his alarm.
He pulls on the stupid uniform, a navy button up and dress pants, then throws on his black sweater and fiddles with his hair for a few minutes before giving up. He slings his bag over his shoulder, chugs a bottle of water, and heads out.
'Off to hell I go,' he thinks, getting on the bus.
He stops by the cafeteria, getting a cup of coffee, then hangs out in the courtyard. His first class wasn't for a little bit, he always got there early so he could enjoy a cup of coffee and wake up.
"Dan?" He looks up, mood immidiately improving.
"Hey, Phil! I didn't know you went here!"
"I didn't know you went here either!" He sits next to Dan, and they talk for a few minutes.
"Hey, Phil! There you are!" Phil looks up and grins.
"Hey PJ! Oh, Dan, PJ, PJ, Dan!"
"Nice to meet you!"
"You too! Oh, yeah, Phil your class starts in like 5 minutes, you should probably go."
"Ah, right. Sorry Dan, gotta go."
"It's fine, I should go as well. See ya!"
"See ya!"
They part ways. In class, Dan started doodling in his notebook while the teacher drawled on about something he already knew.
Friday couldn't come around fast enough.

At lunch, Phil sat next to him, and they talked some more. It seemed like they were never short on topics to talk about.
"So, how has your day been going?"
"Pretty good! Classes were boring, but I guess that's just how it always is."
"Yeah, I get that. That's why I like art class! It's pretty chill."
"Oh, nice! I considered taking Art but decided on choir instead."
"Really? Choirs cool!"

The bell rang and they had to part ways again, though they did bump into each other in the halls a few times, always sparing a minute or two to say hi and talk a bit. Over the week, they were pretty much always talking or hanging out at school, Dan even dropping by the cafe once or twice to get a coffee and say hi.

Dan waited at the meet up spot, the eastern entrance, looking for Phil.
"Hey, Dan!" Speak of the devil, Phil runs up and grins.
"So, what's the plan Stan?"
"C'mon!" Phil grabs his hand and drags him along, making Dan chuckle and quickens his pace to match Phil's.
They slow down as Phil leads him through a thick patch of trees.
"Are you gonna murder me?" Dan jokes, making Phil laugh, shaking his head.
"No, silly!"
Finally, they make it through the trees. A little overgrown park sat in the tiny clearing, making Dan grin.
"How'd you find this place?"

It was dark by the time they started to head back.
"Hey, where's your place?"
"Room 25 in the Bakersons building."
"Wait really?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I live in room 32!"
"No way."

"I had fun!"
"Me too! We should do this again sometime."
Dan pauses before closing the door, suddenly turning and kissing Phil's cheek before quickly hiding in his room.
Phil grins, walking to his room with a skip in his step.

"See you Monday <3"
Dan practically cheers when he reads the text. He was worried he had made it weird, but it seemed like Phil didn't mind.

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