A oneshot based around Tommy and Tubbo's friendship :) Because honestly, friendship g o a l s with those two. This oneshot could probably be took romantically, but it is intended to be platonic! Brotherly love! Sleepy bois and Tubbo are honestly just the greatest family ever. Oh yeah, uh, Dreamteam and some others are in the story, but mostly! SBI and Tubbo!!! Fluff for the soul :) I know we all need it, with what's going on with Manberg and all that. Can I just say, Wilbur is a BOMB actor, like wow, is this man just good at everything?! Wilbur appriciation squad over here- okay okay I'll shut up enjoy the oneshot <3
"Come on Tubbo, now's our chance!" He drops from the tree onto the train, swinging into the compartment. Tubbo quickly follows him, and they sigh in releif.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Of course! Mrs. Annie will never find us now! We're safe."
"...Thank you, Tommy. For listening to me. For taking me with you."
"Well, I couldn't just leave you there while you were getting hurt! We'll figure it out, okay? We'll survive on our own."
"We don't need anyone!"
"That's the spirit, Tubbo!"
"We should get some sleep; this train won't stop until tomorrow afternoon. I checked."
"Always thinking ahead. I'm glad I have you on my team, buddy."
"Me too." They lean up against one of the bales of hay in the train car, falling asleep to the sound of the train.
When they wake up, it was midday.
"We should be ready to jump off soon." Tubbo said, opening his bag and pulling out two apples. He tosses one to Tommy, who thanks him. They sit next to eachother, watching the countryside fly by, eating their apples.
Eventually, the train starts to slow down, and they sling their bags onto their backs, standing on the edge of the train cart.
"We need to be out of here before anyone comes to grab the stuff, so..." Tommy scans the area as the train slows down.
"Now!" Tubbo calls, seeing the perfect opportunity. They jump, rolling through the fields for a second before coming to a stop. Tommy didn't see the opportunity, but he trusted Tubbo's judgement full heartedly.
"Whew... That was awesome!" Tommy exclaims, Tubbo laughing. He stands up, pulling Tubbo to his feet. They look around. "Well... now where?"
"Due east, there's a town. Maybe we can stay there a bit?"
"Good idea, Tubbo!"
They start heading East."Wil, you're going to give yourself a heart attack! You shouldn't be drinking that much coffee! Especially this late in the day; how are you going to get to sleep?" They dart behind a shed at the sound of voices, peeking out to watch the two. One was really tall, taller than Tommy, and was drinking a cup of coffee. The other was shorter, still taller than Tubbo but not by a whole lot. Suddenly, their shirt collars are grabbed from behind and they're semi shoved, semi dragged out from behind the shed. They're held in the air slightly.
"Ack!" Tubbo squeals, freezing.
"Let go of us you heathen! I swear, I..." Tommy starts spouting curses and threats, struggling like crazy. Tubbo just starts shaking, tears springing to his eyes. They were going to send them back, they were gonna tell Mrs. Annie where they were, he was gonna be in so much trouble-
"Phil, these yours?" a deep voice monotones.
"Techno, you can't just sneak up and hoist kids in the air like criminals, they're scared to death!" Phil, Tommy assumed, runs over, and Techno drops them. Immidiately, Tommy turns to Tubbo, who was shaking and breathing heavy.
"Tubbo?" he mumbles softly, reaching out and grabbing his arms gently in an attempt to ground him.
"They're gonna send us back, Tommy, they're gonna send us back and we'll be in so much trouble and she's gonna make sure I can never see you again-"
"Tubbo, it's okay, I won't let her hurt you, okay? We're okay." He hugs him, glaring at the man with red eyes. He stares back, eyebrow raised.
"So they aren't yours."
"Well, no, but that doesn't mean you can just grab them! They're kids!"
"Little gremlins is what they are, Phil. What are you two doing here?"
"What? I'm right!"
"We're just trying to get to town, gentlemen. That's all." He stood next to Tubbo, holding his hand to reassure him.
"Well, it's a good thing we found you then. That town is a whole day's walk away, and you don't have a horse. Besides, it's under the control of the kingdom, and they don't like newcomers."
"...What? Kingdom?"
"Orphans, I bet."
"Techno!" Phil whacks him on the back of the head, he just huffs, frowning.
"...I mean... I guess I am an Orphan..."
"Tubbo, we can't trust them!" Tommy whispers.
"We don't have much of a choice..." he whispers back.
"...Fine. But I'm not happy about it." He huffs.
"Opinion noted. Yes, I'm an orphan, Mrs. Annie really didn't teach us much. She normally just drank and shouted at us. Tommy's parents are some rich big shots and never cared, they're always busy, so we ran away. Please don't send us back, Mrs. Annie is very scary when she's angry. I don't want another scar..."
"Oh, you poor kids..." Phil mumbles softly, hand over his mouth. Techno frowned slightly, and Wilbur looked angry.
"Of fucking course they pay the worst human being ever to watch after children. Do they even care that you guys are literally our future? Just because you don't have parents, you're worthless? And Tommy, right? Just because your parents are rich or whatever, they couldn't spare any time to pay attention to you? Disgusting. I can't believe people sometimes!" he rages.
"Wilbur, calm." Techno monotones, turning and leaning down to check on the sprouts of a plant in the ground. It seemed to work, though, Wilbur immidiately calming down. Tubbo makes a mental note; saying someones name and then saying calm seemed to work pretty well, at least on Wilbur.
"What... are you growing?"
"Potatoes, the best plant. Great food, and did you know that they burn well too? I use them as torches and fire fuel pretty often, they make great charcoal."
"...huh... interesting! They served potatoes a lot at the orphanage! Did you know that you can use them as batteries? With a nail, penny, and some wires, you can charge a very small lightbulb!"
"Really? How'd you figure that out?" Techno seemed impressed, though his tone didn't change much. Tubbo smiles brightly.
"Well you see, there was this potato I found, and the Captain and I were tossing it back and forth, and this rich guy showed up and went 'If you can make something cool with this potato, I'll give the orphanige a whole bunch of toys' and we were like 'yo that sounds great!' and so we went to his cool mechanics shed and messed around, and then I remembered how lemons could be batteries, and I went 'hm, wonder if potatoes could as well!' and so we did that! And yeah, the guy was pretty impressed, and the others were pretty happy to have something to play with! But then Mrs. Annie decided they were distracting us from our chores and got rid of them." He frowns. "I hope the others are doing okay..."
Techno nods slowly, looking off into the distance. The sun had started to set.
"You two should stay with us, at least for tonight. It's going to be pretty cold, it is early spring after all." Phil places a hand on their shoulders gently, looking concerned. Tommy and Tubbo share a look, seemingly communicating through their gaze alone.
"That would be greatly appriciated. Right Tommy?" Tubbo finally says.
"Yeah, alright, sure. Only because Tubbo trusts you guys." Tommy grumbles.
They sat around a table, Phil setting plates of food infront of them. Tubbo's stares; it had been... what, ten years? since he'd had a propper meal. One christmas, when he was five, he and the others had gone out for christmas carolling, and a particularly generous rich couple had invited them in and fed them. That was the year he met Tommy- the sneaky boy had snuck into their group. Tubbo was the only one who noticed; when he asked why, Tommy had shrugged and said 'it looked like fun.' Tubbo found out that all of them had 20$ bills snuck into their pockets that night, and had smiled, knowing that was the real reason the other had joined them. Tommy acted indifferent and tough, but really, he was a softy. He only started showing that to Tubbo after five years of friendship, though, and even still, only did it occasionally.
"Eat up, guys!"
"Thanks, Phil. I don't think we'd survive it it weren't for him, you know guys? I shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the kitchen, Techno would probably set the building on fire!" Wilbur quips, grinning at the two teens. Techno glared at him through a mouth of potatoes. Phil just chuckles, shaking his head. Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno were chowing down, but Tubbo was fiddling with his fork.
"Something wrong, kiddo?"
"I-I just... I don't think I've ever seen this much food before..." Tubbo mumbles. Phil smiles gently.
"I'd suggest starting with the potatoes, they're really good," Tommy says, then keeps stuffing his mouth with potatoes.
That night, Tubbo sat on the bed in the guest room he and Tommy were staying in, staring out the window at the moon. He didn't know what tomorrow would bring but... the bed next to him dipped.
"I know what you're thinking. You want to stay. You want to help out on the farm in return for shelter and food." He sighs, turning to look at the other.
"I never could hide anything from you, could I...you don't have to worry about me staying behind if you want to keep going; I am never going to leave your side, and that's final."
"Oh, Tubbo...I know that you would leave with me if I even hinted that I wanted to. You're loyal like that, you know. I could live a hundred lives and never deserve that kind of loyalty. I can't do that to you though, I know you want to stay, and I can't deny you that. After all, it's safe, isn't it? A roof over our heads, food on our plates. Maybe even a family. So I'm not going to leave. Not unless you want to. I want the best for you, man, and this... well, this seems like the safest option."
"I know we said we didn't need anyone except eachother, but... honestly, Tommy, they seem really nice. And hey, no matter what, we have eachother! So what if we stay and make more friends, in the end it's Tommy and Tubbo, best of buds, brothers in arms!"
Tommy smiles, nodding. Maybe he wasn't a fan of the idea but... well, Tubbo didn't deserve to live on the streets like he was planning on doing. He wasn't built to live off the land. He deserved a good, safe life. So he would stay. For Tubbo.
"Hey, how about this. If they offer, we take them up on the offer. If they don't, we can figure something else out. Do you think that's fair?"
"You really are amazing, Tubbo. I love you man."
"Love you too, Tommy."
That night, they fell asleep, feeling truely safe for the first time in a while.
The next morning, when they got up, the other three were already in the kitchen, talking. They quieted down when the two entered the room, Tubbo already having a spark of energy but Tommy looking half asleep and being pretty much dragged by Tubbo.
"Hey, boys! Have a good sleep?"
"Very much so, thank you!" Tubbo chirps, sitting down. Tommy sits next to him, and Phil passed them each a plate, which Tommy, despite being half asleep, muttered a soft 'thank you' for. The five of them ate together in comfortable silence.
"So... we've been talking and... well, how would you boys like to stay here? With us? I mean, I'm sure you have a great adventure planned and all, but...well, I could teach you, and Techno would show you guys how to farm, and I'm sure Wilbur could find something to show you guys!"
"Hey!" Wilbur cries out in indignation, and even Tommy and Techno laugh.
"I mean... are you sure? We wouldn't be a burden?"
"Of course not! I've been wanting more people to teach anyways; I used to tutor some kids in town, but the new laws the king sent out said that no one could enter or leave without permission from the mayor and... well he and Wilbur have been a bit at odds. I don't think I'm getting his permission any time soon." he jabs the other in the side playfully.
"We would be delighted to stay, thank you." Tubbo smiles, and even Tommy nods with a soft 'mhm...'
Phil smiles so brightly he could rival the sun, and Wilbur cheers.
"Little brothers! Yes!" Even Techno smiles slightly.
"I'm not the youngest anymore. Yay."
Everyday from then on, except weekends, Phil would teach them something new. He started by teaching them how to read and write, which they picked up quickly. They were very quick learners.
Finally, he decided to start teaching them skills they might need for life.
"Alright, starting today, I'm going to show you guys how to use a sword. Violence is never the answer, but it's better if you know how to defend yourself." He handed them each a wooden sword, to which Tubbo immidiately swung at Tommy with. Tommy raised his sword to block, deflecting and stabbing forwards. Phil watched them mess around for a few more seconds, surprised at how good they naturally seemed. Of course, they were nowhere NEAR professional level, but for only just having picked up the swords, they were pretty good.
"Alright you two, that's enough." Phil chuckles, pulling out his own wooden sword and showing them the proper stance. A few weeks later, they both leaped at him, swords swinging. He dodges Tommy, sword spinning to deflect Tubbo. This continues for a while, all of them fighting, when Techno walks over.
"Hey, guys, it's lunch time-" all three of them whipped around with swords, instinctively swinging. Techno just ducks under Tommy's sword, taking it from his hand and blocking Phil's, kicking Tubbo's sword out of his hand. He catches it, disarming Phil with a twist of his stolen blade. It all happened in a few seconds. Phil steps back with an apologetic look, walking over to his sword and picking it up.
"Sorry, we've been training so long I guess we were just instictively on attack mode."
"It's alright. You two are good, for only having practiced for a few weeks." He tosses Tommy and Tubbo their swords. They were staring at him in shock.
"Techno... what the hell was that?" Tommy finally says.
"What was what?"
"You just dodged and disarmed three people... in a few seconds... without breaking a sweat..."
"Phil taught me a few things too..." He looks away, turning to head back to the house.
"Bullshit, Techno, you've always been way better at sword fighting than you let on! I didn't teach you that!"
"Phil... if you didn't teach him that then who did?" Tubbo asks as they put their swords away.
"No idea. Techno's past is a mystery. All I know is he hates the kingdom with a burning passion and never speaks of his past. He's a great guy, though, really. Just a little closed off." They head inside for lunch.

MCYT And Other YT Oneshots
FanficThis does include ships, and yes, I do take requests! I do not mean any disrespect to these content creators and such, nor am I trying to shove it in anyones faces or influence anything! I'm just tryna have some fun with creative writing, yeah? Plea...